听电影学英语-天气预报员 12(在线收听

  [00:55.30]...and here comes the grand marshal, Dave Spritzel. ...现在过来的是大明星 戴维 斯埔里泽
  [00:59.06]Didn't his name used to be Spritz? 他以前不是叫斯普里兹吗?
  [01:00.78]Yeah, it sure did... 对,没错...
  [01:02.86]but he changed it back to the original Spritzel. 不过他现在又恢复了原名斯埔里泽
  [01:03.22]Why the change, Ed? 为什么要改名字,爱德?
  [01:04.86]Well, when you're national, there's no more up. 嗯,因为成了全国知名人物以后 就再不用往上爬了
  [01:08.10]So he changed it back... 所以他就把名字改回来了...
  [01:09.78]like John "Cougar" Mellencamp. He's realer now and more authentic. 约翰·库格·麦伦侃普也是这样 现在他显得更加率真,更加坦诚了
  [01:13.10]-Who's that with him? -Those are the wife and kids. -和他在一起的是谁? -那是他的妻子和孩子
  [01:17.06]Didn't they used to have a real fucked-up relationship? 他们以前的关系不是很僵吗?
  [01:18.58]Not anymore. That's something else that changed. 现在不是了 同样发生了改变
  [01:20.14]lt seems Hello America with Byrant Gumbel... 看来"你好美国"节目和布莱恩特. 甘宝...
  [01:22.94]gave them all a fresh start... 让他们开始了全新的生活...
  [01:26.10]and an increase in salary to $980,000 outside promotional fees... 他的薪水提高到了98万美元 这还没把奖金计算在内...
  [01:29.90]which puts Dave well over $1 million a year. 所以戴维现在的年收入大大超过 1百万美元
  [01:32.34]-That got his wife's ear, l bet. -You bet. That buys a lot of face time. -我敢打赌,他妻子准是听说了这事 -没错。这给他赢来了很多和老婆相处的机会
  [01:37.60]-Did he say that? -Yeah, he told me that.... -他是这么说的? -对,他亲口对我说的....
  [01:38.46]Now everything's great. 现在他是诸事顺心
  [02:23.94]Hello, America. 你好,美国
  [02:29.70]What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么?
  [02:31.54]Writing. Archery. 写作。射箭
  [02:38.58]And you don't have a degree in meteorology? 你没有拿过气象学的学位?
  [02:41.38]General communications. 我学的是通用通信
  [02:44.62]Well, listen. We've seen a lot of your work in Chicago. 好的。你在芝加哥的工作录像我们 已经看过很多了
  [02:45.70]Okay. 好啊
  [02:49.02]We think you're great, refreshing. 我们觉得你很棒,让人耳目一新
  [02:51.38]We love the Spritz Nipper. 我们很喜欢那个“斯普里兹大钳”
  [02:53.60]Why don't we run some blue screen, and we'll do a walk-through on the set? 我们用蓝幕拍几段 作些试演怎么样?
  [02:55.46]Great. 太好了
  [02:58.74]Great. 好啊
  [03:06.42]Here's your station. We'll run some screen. 这里就是你的舞台 我们会拍些片段
  [03:09.90]Give me a second to set it up. 稍等一会,我去布置一下
  [03:38.30]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
  [03:40.42]l'm waiting for Mark. l'm running some screen. 我在等马克布置 要拍几个片段
  [03:42.30]-Dave. -Bryant. -戴维 -布莱恩特
  [03:45.10]-Nervous? -No. -紧张吗? -不
  [03:48.26]-Sure? -Yeah. -真的? -嗯
  [03:52.42]You look just a little bit nervous. 我看你稍微有点紧张
  [03:53.54]lt's not nerves. 不是紧张
  [03:54.62]-Other shit. -Yeah. -别的原因 -哦
  [04:03.06]As this high-pressure system gives way... 等到这个冈银压离开的时候...
  [04:03.46]...mild in the Northwest. ...西北地区天气温和
  [04:04.14]we'll see warm temperatures in New Mexico.... 新墨西哥的气温就会转暖....
  [04:07.82]l know it's not neurosurgery... 我知道这和神经外科学扯不上关系...
  [04:09.14]but green screen is the one part of my job that's not really easy. 不过在我的工作中,绿幕是 不那么容易的部分
  [04:10.50]...35 in New York with colder temperatures west to Michigan.... ...纽约地区是1.7度 密歇根以西则更冷....
  [04:15.58]You need a sense of where put-ons will come from... 你必须知道该在什么地方比划...
  [04:16.30]and a pretty strong sense of scale. 必须有很强的位置感
  [04:17.78]...there are travel advisories in New Orleans and Atlanta. ...到新奥尔良和亚特兰大旅游的 人要注意了
  [04:20.58]lt's pretty heavy weather.... 天气相当恶劣....
  [04:22.02]l've gotten real good at it. 我对这个非常拿手
  [04:24.14]l thought everything went over pretty well. 我觉得一切都很顺当
  [04:30.82]So we'll let you know in a couple of days. 过几天我们就会通知你结果
  [04:32.18]Okay. 好
  [04:34.10]This is my father, Robert Spritzel, and my daughter. 这是我父亲罗伯特.斯普里泽 还有我女儿
  [04:35.86]We're a little late for our plane... 我们还要赶飞机,已经有点迟了...
  [04:38.86]so we thought we'd leave from here. 所以我想现在就走
  [04:41.22]-Yeah, l'm sorry. We kept you late. -That's cool. -哦,对不起。耽误你时间了 -没什么
  [04:41.26]-So you've got the numbers? -Yes. -电话号码你有吧? -有的
  [04:44.70]There's a built-in with Purina l forgot. $42,000. 我忘了,还有一个普瑞纳公司的 内定广告。4万2千美元
  [04:45.42]Okay. 好的
  [04:46.82]-What's a built-in? -lt's a compulsory endorsement... -什么是内定广告? -这是必须履行的合同条例...
  [04:50.06]if l'm offered the job. 前提是我被录用
  [04:52.86]-Dog food? -Yeah. Pet products. -狗粮广告? -对,宠物食品
  [04:56.42]Dave doesn't own a pet. 戴维没有养宠物
  [04:59.82]Jackson lives with your wife and kids. 杰克逊是和你老婆孩子一起过的
  [05:00.02]Well, l have Jackson. 我不是养了杰克逊吗?
