听电影学英语-一个美国新娘的自白 05(在线收听

  [00:03.92]Even my mom can. 妈妈也应该行
  [00:04.32]I just have to be organized, do one thing at a time, prioritize... 我必须学会合理安排
  [00:09.28]...take a measured, level-headed approach. 尽量避免冲突
  [00:12.40]An approach that apparently is unsuited to dress shopping. 一起选择婚纱显然是错误的
  [00:16.76]The bridal shop's semi-annual trunk show. 婚纱店正举行半年一度的 品牌展示推广活动
  [00:19.36]Kind of an ancient Rome vibe, no? 有几分像仿古罗马式, 对吗?
  [00:26.80]Kristin: Bridesmaid, lifelong friend, and voice of doom. 我的好朋友Kristin: 伴娘之一 Doom的配音员
  [00:28.76]That's mine. 那是我的
  [00:30.84]Back off, babe. We got dibs. 放开, 我们有优先权
  [00:34.64]Does this thing come with an SUV? 这衣服是用运动型多功能车运来的吗?
  [00:38.40]No, I don't like the toile. 我不喜欢这布料
  [00:46.60]This seems like a lot of trouble to go to for some party. 这里就像麻烦大派对
  [00:48.08]This isn't just some party. 这不是一般的派对
  [00:49.44]No, it's the most important day of your life. 这是你一生中最重要的日子
  [00:54.52]It has to be perfect, like mine was. 一定要办好, 我的就是
  [00:57.52]Maybe because you didn't have to wear those hideous bridesmaid dresses. 你应该庆幸不用穿这恶心的衣服
  [01:02.76]So was the parental meeting really that bad? 双方父母见面真的那么糟糕吗?
  [01:08.16]No. Yes. 是的
  [01:09.44]I don't know. 我不知道
  [01:11.32]Sorry, didn't see the back fat. 对不起, 不知道你的背那么胖
  [01:14.28]- What was the crux of the problem? - What wasn't? - 到底是什么原因呢? - 什么都不是
  [01:16.20]His parents, my parents, they all had their own ideas. 我们的父母都各有一套
  [01:23.16]Hello? 你好
  [01:25.36]No. I promise. You will get to see it bef... 不是, 我保证婚礼前你会看到...
  [01:25.76]Mom, please. 妈, 求你了
  [01:27.84]No, it's the only time I had free. I'm not avoiding you, okay? 不是, 我只有现在这一点空 我不是避开你, 好吗?
  [01:32.80]I love you too. 我也爱你
  [01:36.00]Oh, come on, Sammy, is it really worth getting this worked up over? 别这样, 值得为一点小事生气吗?
  [01:38.68]Oh, to be young and single again. 最好永远单身和年轻
  [01:41.24]Oh, yeah, because my life's just tequila shooters and flashing my boobs in Cabo. 是吗, 因为你只懂吃喝玩乐
  [01:44.12]Sam, the most important thing is that you don't compromise. Sam, 最重要的是你不能妥协
  [01:49.88]No, the most important thing is you don't drive yourself crazy. 最重要的是别把自己搞疯了
  [01:50.28]This is gonna work itself out. 车到山前必有路
  [01:54.48]You just have to trust him, and trust yourself. 你只要相信他 相信你自己就行了
  [01:59.16]- Well? - Phenomenal. - 怎样? - 不错
  [02:03.24]I don't know. 不知道
  [02:03.28]And then it hit me. 这就打击我了
  [02:06.28]I love them all, but there's only one voice I can listen to: Mine. 我爱她们,  但她们居然 一点意见都没有
  [02:10.68]And right now, it's telling me I look like I just stepped out of an '80s metal video. 很快就知道答案了:我就像 从80年代的MTV里面爬出来一样
  [02:23.60]Samantha. Samantha
  [02:26.16]- Is this a bad time? - No, no, no. - 现在是下班时间吗? - 不, 不是
  [02:27.16]Well, FYI, Standard's fourth-quarter results came in and they blew. Standard公司第四季度报告来了 他们催我们呢
  [02:31.24]Word is they're gonna push up the launch a month. 他们要提前一个月投放市场
  [02:33.04]Right before... 刚好在...
  [02:38.40]...the wedding. 婚礼前
  [02:41.88]No, no, please. Go ahead, answer it. 没事, 继续听电话吧
  [02:49.12]Mom, now is not... 妈妈, 现在不是...
  [02:51.40]Yes, I sent the save-the-date to the printers. 对, 我已经把save-the-date卡拿去 印刷了(让朋友早些预留日期观礼)
  [02:54.80]I didn't consult you because... 我没跟你商量是因为
  [02:57.16]I didn't pick out a dress, I just tried on a few. 我没有挑选好婚纱, 只试了几件
  [02:59.08]Look, Mom, can we talk about this later? 妈, 听着, 我们能晚点谈吗?
  [03:04.72]L... 嗯...
  [03:06.44]Stone has no idea what I'm going through. Stone是不会理解我的遭遇的
  [03:08.72]Finding a dress, a band, a rabbi... 选婚纱, 请乐队, 还有犹太传教士
  [03:09.80]- How's that going, anyway? - I'm on it. - 协调得怎样了? - 正处理呢
  [03:11.40]You are? Because we need that ASAP. 是吗? 越快越好
  [03:12.60]It's one of about a million details. The clock is ticking, Ben. 还有很多事要忙, 时间紧得很
  [03:16.16]Hey, how about we elope? 嘿, 私奔怎样?
  [03:18.44]Okay, so we won't elope. 当我没说过
  [03:20.64]Look, Sam, it's gonna be fine. We'll work it out. 会好起来的, 我们能搞定
  [03:24.60]Red flag. Isn't that different than, "Everything will be perfect"? 危险信号, 这跟"做一天和尚 撞一天钟"有什么区别?
  [03:27.32]- Where's the restaurant? - Change of plan. - 这是餐厅吗? - 计划改变
  [03:38.56]Is this one of the places your company is trying to lease? 是你们公司准备出租的房子吗?
  [03:42.52]No. We do commercial real estate. 不是, 我们只做商用房地产
  [03:42.60]This is residential. 这是私人住宅
  [03:48.20]You know, like a place a young, engaged couple might live in, for example. 这地方适合定了婚的准夫妻居住
  [03:53.04]Ben, we always said we wouldn't move in together until we were married. Ben, 原来不是说 结婚后才一起住吗
  [03:57.72]Which you've reminded me repeatedly is less than six months away. 这是你6个月前就开始向我要的
  [04:04.60]Come on. I haven't shown you the best part. 来吧, 我带你参观一下最美的地方
  [04:13.64]Ben, it's perfect. 漂亮极了
  [04:21.80]How could I not love him? And did you see that apartment? 我又怎能不爱他呢? 看到那房子没有?
  [04:25.36]I can't wait! 我等不及了!
  [04:26.04]And I know some say moving in together is stressful... 有人说, 一起住可以让关系更紧密
  [04:30.64]...but if anyone can do this with me, it's Ben. 谁能跟我一起呢, 就是Ben
  [04:32.04]- Besides, this isn't a sitcom on... - Television. Big. Plasma. - 顺便说一下, 这不是演电视剧 - 这里放等离子电视
  [04:36.08]Maybe get one of those satellite thingies. 还要个卫星接收器
  [04:41.88]I have it all planned out. I'm so excited! 我已经设计好了 真是太兴奋了!
  [04:43.32]Okay, so I see a canopy bed here and maybe a decorative chest at the foot. 这里放天篷床, 旁边摆个装饰台
  [04:47.12]A recliner here, like my dad's. 这里放沙发椅, 我老爸有一张
  [04:49.72]An armoire here and throw pillows everywhere. 大型衣橱放这 还有到处摆满枕头
  [04:56.56]Ben, antique decorative chest? Ben会不会想要古董装饰台?
  [04:58.56]Most guys think there's only one kind of chest... 大部分男人都喜欢这个
  [04:59.32]...the kind you feel up. 就像你喜欢这个一样
