听电影学英语-楚门的世界 01(在线收听

  [00:19.12]We've become bored with watching actors give us phoney emotions. 我们不想再看演员装模作样
  [00:23.36]We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects. 也厌倦了爆破场面及电脑特效
  [00:27.16]While the world he inhabits is, in some respects, counterfeit, - 楚门虽然活在一个虚构的世界
  [00:32.64]- there's nothing fake about Truman himself. 他自己本身却半点不假
  [00:38.20]No scripts, no cue cards. 没有脚本或提词卡
  [00:41.60]lt isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine.  虽然未必是杰作,却如假包换
  [00:44.96]lt's a life. 是生活的实录
  [00:49.40]l'm not gonna make it. Y 我不行了
  [00:53.32]ou're gonna have to go on without me. 你们先去吧
  [00:58.64]No way, mister. 你不能放弃
  [01:03.96]You're going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all. 就算跛着脚也要爬上高峰
  [01:10.20]Many viewers leave him on all night, for comfort. 许多观众整夜看着他
  [01:14.40]You're crazy, you know that? 你疯了,知道吗?
  [01:22.64]For me there's no difference between private life and public life. 我的生活没有分所谓私底下 或是电视上
  [01:26.52]My life is The Truman Show. The Truman Show is a lifestyle. “楚门秀”就是我的人生
  [01:28.16]lt's a noble life. lt is ... a truly blessed life. 这是一种理想的生活 而且… 非常幸福
  [01:38.76]Tell me something l don't know. 请你说些新鲜事
  [01:43.48]All right. Promise me one thing, though. 答应我一件事
  [01:46.68]lf l die before the summit,  我如果在半途不幸身亡
  [01:49.04]use me as an alternative source of food. 你要把我当作粮食
  [01:52.64]You're gross. 你好恶心
  [01:58.32]lt's all real. 全是真实的,没有半点虚假
  [02:02.80]Nothing you see on the show is fake. 这场秀绝不假
  [02:03.68]lt's merely controlled. 只是经过设计
  [02:13.44]Eat me, dammit. That's an order. 我命令你把我吃了
  [02:20.28]Maybe just your love handles. 只吃小腹可以吧
  [02:22.76]l have love handles? 我有小腹?
  [02:24.24]Yeah, litle ones. 有一点吧
  [02:27.16]- Truman, you're gonna be late. 楚门,你要迟到了
  [02:31.12]- okay! 好
  [02:44.52]- Good morning! - Good morning! -早安 -早…
  [02:48.20]And in case l don't see you, good afternoon and good night. 顺便预祝午安和晚安
  [02:54.56]- Morning, Truman. - Morning, Spencer. -早,楚门 -早,史班瑟
  [02:58.24]Hey, Pluto. 布鲁多,不要…
  [03:00.12]- He won't hurt you. 它不会咬你
  [03:00.32]- l know. lt's just me. 我知道,是我的问题
  [03:01.52]Get down. 下去
  [03:05.12]Come on, Pluto. 走了,布鲁多
  [03:26.00]What is it? 那是什么
  [03:49.72]here's A news flash just in. 新闻快报
  [03:50.52]An aircraft began shedding parts as it flew over Seahaven - 一架飞机飞经海景镇上空时
  [03:55.04]- a few moments ago. 发生故障,零件脱落
  [03:57.80]Luckily, no one was hurt.How do you feel today.. ? 幸好没人受伤,你好吗?
  [04:00.20]That's good.
  [04:03.48]- Thinking of flying somewhere? 正打算搭飞机吗?
  [04:03.88]- Nope. 不想
  [04:04.64]This is classical Klyne. 那就好,古典音乐电台
  [04:06.96]Forget about the perils of flying - 请你暂时忘掉飞行的危险
  [04:11.40]- and let this music calm you down. 让音乐安抚你的情绪
  [04:17.40]''Dog Fancy'', please. -“狗迷”杂志 -好
  [04:19.76]Thank you very much. -谢谢 -谢谢你
  [04:24.92]And one of these for the wife. Loves her fashion mags. 再替老婆买本时装杂志
  [04:24.96]Get me a paper, will you, Errol? 来份早报,老厄
  [04:32.20]- That be all for you, Truman? - That's the whole kit and caboodle. -就这些吗? -就是这些
  [04:34.96]-回头见 -好
  [04:47.92]- Hank! - Good morning, Truman. -韩克 -早安,楚门
  [04:50.68]Good morning, Truman. -早安… -你们好
  [04:51.80]Beautiful day, isn't it? -天气真好 -一向都是
  [04:54.88]- How's your lovely wife? - Good. Yours? -嫂夫人好吗? -很好,大嫂们呢?
  [04:58.20]Couldn't be beter. 好得很,很好
