听电影学英语-楚门的世界 03(在线收听

  [00:01.44]What the hell's wrong with yourjob? 你的工作这么轻松
  [00:03.52]You've got a great job. A desk job. 只要坐在办公室
  [00:04.88]l'd kill for a desk job. 我羡慕死了
  [00:11.08]You should try stocking vending machines. 你去改行装贩卖机好了
  [00:13.96]Now there's excitement. -不,谢了 -那才叫无聊
  [00:15.72]- Don't you ever get antsy?. 你有没有兴趣到外面走走?
  [00:20.12]- Where's there to go? 去哪儿?
  [00:23.08]- Fiji. 斐济
  [00:27.48]- Where's Fiji? Near Florida? 斐济在哪里?佛州吗?
  [00:35.40]This is us ... 这是我们
  [00:36.60]See here?  看好
  [00:40.00]And all the way around here ... Fiji. 斐济群岛就在这儿
  [00:44.08]You can't get any further away before you start coming back. 再走远一点就回到这里
  [00:49.04]There's still islands in Fiji where no human being has ever set foot. 那儿尚有些小岛还没有人涉足
  [00:57.36]So when are you gonna go? 什么时候走?
  [01:02.08]lt's not that simple. 没那么简单
  [01:03.24]lt takes money, planning ... 我需要钱和计划
  [01:10.20]- You can't just up and go. 不能说走就走
  [01:12.40]- Right. 没错
  [01:14.56]l'm gonna do it, don't worry about that. 不过我一定会去
  [01:17.88]Bonus time is just around the corner. 快要发年终奖金了
  [01:24.64]- Are you coming for a drink?. 过来喝杯酒?
  [01:27.20]- No, l can't tonight. 今晚不行
  [01:46.80]l don't like that weather, son. we should head back. 这天气看来不大乐观 我们开回去吧
  [01:50.48]Oh, no, dad. Not yet. No, come on. We should go back. -不要… -不行,该回去了
  [01:52.96]Just a bit farther. Please? 多开一会,拜托…
  [01:57.32]- Okay. - Yes! 好吧
  [02:01.88]Daddy! 爸
  [03:18.96]You're soaked. Where have you been? 你湿透了,你上哪儿去了?
  [03:21.32]- We can scrape together 8,000 ... - You and Marlon ... -我们只要凑足八千元… -你和马龙在一起…
  [03:23.88]- We can bum around the world. 就能环游世界一年
  [03:27.08]- And then what?truman? We'd be where we were 5 years ago. 然后就会像五年前那样 一无所有
  [03:29.88]- You're talking like a teenager. 别像个莽撞少年
  [03:31.04]- Maybe l feel like a teenager. 或许我的心境像少年
  [03:34.36]We have mortgage payments.  我们有房屋贷款以及汽车贷款
  [03:40.52]Do we just walk away from our obligations? 怎么能说走就走
  [03:43.00]- lt would be an adventure. 会很刺激的
  [03:44.88]- We were going to try for a baby. 我们不是说好要生孩子吗?
  [03:47.28]- lsn't that enough of an adventure? 那也够刺激了吧
  [03:51.32]- That can wait.l want to get away. 我想先到外面走走
  [03:53.80]See some of the world. Explore! 去见识一下,去探险
  [03:56.00]You want to be an explorer ... 你想当探险家?
  [03:59.56]This will pass. 你很快就会打消这念头
  [04:01.00]We all think like this now and then. 大家都有过这种冲动
  [04:06.56]Let's get you out of these wet clothes.  把湿衣服脱掉
  [04:09.32]Come to bed. 上床吧
  [04:13.28]You never see anything. 你什么都看不到
  [04:17.00]They always turn the camera and play music. 镜头总会被移开 然后就播音乐
  [04:21.84]The wind blows, the curtain moves. You don't see anything. 精彩的画面都看不到
  [04:29.64]''Dog Fancy'', please. -“狗迷”杂志 -好的
  [04:33.16]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:35.16]Paper, Earl, please. 来份早报,老厄
  [04:40.24]l might as well get one of these. 顺便买份时装杂志
  [04:44.12]- For the wife? - She's got to have them. -老婆要的 -少不得
  [04:45.32]- Anything else, Truman? - That's the whole ball of wax. -还要什么? -就这些了
  [04:50.20]Catch you later. 回头见
