听电影学英语-楚门的世界 10(在线收听

  [00:10.80]l'm sorry, son. 很抱歉
  [00:26.20]- Wasn't his father from Chicago?  他爸爸来自芝加哥?
  [00:28.96]- His father was from Des Moines. 不,他爸爸来自爱荷华州
  [00:32.72]- Why does he want to go to Chicago?  那他去芝加哥干嘛?
  [00:34.72]He's not going to chicago. He's not going anywhere. 什么芝加哥? 他哪里也去不成
  [00:37.04]He has to have it out With meryl. 他一定会拿梅莉出气
  [00:55.28]Truman? 楚门?
  [01:02.76]- Honey, are you okay?.  你没事吧?
  [01:04.04]- Get in. 上车
  [01:09.52]- Truman ... 楚门?
  [01:11.32]- Look. 看
  [01:17.48]What? Shh. 什么?
  [01:18.64]l predict that, in just a moment, 我预料马上就会看到
  [01:22.24]we'll see a lady on a red bike - 骑红色脚踏车的女人
  [01:25.72]- followed by a man with flowers  拿花的男人
  [01:29.00]and a Volkswagen with a dented fender. 和保险杠受损的金龟车
  [01:32.40]- Truman, please ... - Look! -楚门 -你看
  [01:40.96]Lady ... 女人…
  [01:42.12]Flowers ... 鲜花
  [01:45.00]- And ..? - And ... 然后呢?
  [01:50.20]- Truman, this is silly.  -太荒谬了 -在那儿
  [01:52.76]- There's the dented Beetle! Yes! 金龟车
  [02:01.12]You know how l did that?  我告诉你我怎么猜到的
  [02:02.48]They're on a loop. 很简单,他们在兜圈子
  [02:05.96]They go around the block, they come back, they go around again. 绕过这条街再回来
  [02:10.96]They just go Round and round. Round and round. 不断绕圈子
  [02:13.56]- l invited Marlon to barbecue ... - l won't be here. -我请马龙和莉蕊来烤肉 -那时我就不在了
  [02:16.84]We need more charcoal. 请你提醒我买煤炭
  [02:18.00]Are you listening to a word l'm saying? 你有在听吗?
  [02:25.76]You're upset because you want to go to Fiji? 你去不成斐济所以生气?
  [02:29.96]okay, go. 好,去吧
  [02:34.32]l think you should save for a few months, and then go. 存一笔钱然后再去
  [02:39.16]Are you happy now? 高兴了吗?
  [02:46.96]Let's go now. 现在就去
  [02:48.44]Early bird gathers no moss, rolling stone catches the worm. 滚石生瑷,早起鸟儿没虫吃
  [02:55.76]Truman, what are you doing? 你在做什么?
  [03:00.36]- Truman ...
  [03:02.64]- Where shall we go? 去哪儿呢…
  [03:08.80]- l guess l'm being spontaneous. 不晓得,我随便开
  [03:11.60]Somebody help me! l'm being spontaneous! 救命,我随便乱开
  [03:17.48]Forget Fiji. We can't drive to Fiji, can we? 我们开车是无法到达斐济
  [03:22.52]- What about Atlantic City?.  大西洋城呢?
  [03:27.08]- No, you hate to gamble. -你又不爱赌 -没错
  [03:28.28]That's right, l do. But l never have. 你去干嘛呢?
  [03:31.16]So why would you want To go there? 我没去过,这样才好玩
  [03:33.48]And that's why people go places.
  [03:36.04]- l think l'm going to throw up. - Me, too. -我快吐了 -我也是
  [03:49.84]Blocked at every turn.  到处都塞车
  [03:51.04]Beautifully synchronised, don't you think?. 配合得真好
  [03:52.76]- You're blaming me for the traffic? - Should l? -塞车也要怪我? -不应该吗?
  [04:02.56]Truman, let's go home. 回家吧
  [04:08.44]You're right. We could be stuck here for hours. 对,我们可能塞很久
  [04:12.52]lt'll be like this all the way to Atlantic City. Let's go back. 一路塞到大西洋城,回去吧
  [04:15.08]l'm sorry. l don't know what got into me. 抱歉,我有点反常
  [04:21.76]- Can you please slow down?  请你开慢点
  [04:25.72]- Yes, l can. 好的
  [04:30.44]- That's our turn-off. - l changed my mind. -我们家在那儿 -我改变主意
  [04:31.40]What's New orleans like this time of year?. Mardis Gras! 纽奥良有什么?狂欢节
  [04:41.16]Look, Meryl. Same road, no cars. 看,同一条路,没车子
  [04:46.12]lt's magic. 真神奇
  [04:49.72]Let me out. lf you want to destroy yourself,  让我下车,你疯了
  [04:50.60]do it on your own. 你想自杀就别拖我下水
  [04:53.40]l think l'd like a litle company. 我要你陪我
