听电影学英语-楚门的世界 13(在线收听

  [00:09.24]1. 7 billion were there for his birth. 十七亿人看着他出生
  [00:16.64]220 countries tuned in for his first step. 220个国家看着他初学走路
  [00:18.80]The world stood still for that stolen kiss. 他的初吻受到全球瞩目
  [00:22.56]And as he grew, so did the technology. A human life, - 科技日新月异
  [00:28.04]- recorded on a network of hidden cameras and broadcast live - 隐藏式摄影机记录他的一生
  [00:31.12]- 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to an audience around the globe.
  [00:31.32]And broadcast live and Unedited 24 hours a day, 每天二十四小时,每周七天
  [00:42.24]From Seahaven, enclosed in the largest studio ever constructed, - 世上最大的摄影棚
  [00:46.76]- one of only two man-made structures visible from space, - 这是从太空唯一可看见的建筑
  [00:50.80]- now in its 30th great year, it's The Truman Show! 堂堂迈入第三十年
  [01:00.28]what a week! l was on pins and needles the entire time. 好紧张的一周,简直如坐针毯
  [01:05.92]l'm your host, Mike Michaelson. 大家好,我是麦克迈可森
  [01:08.80]welcome to Tru-Talk,  欢迎收看“真情对话”
  [01:09.20]our forum for issues growing out of the show. 探讨本节目各种主题
  [01:12.96]Tonight, something very special; 今晚非常特别
  [01:15.16]An exclusive interview with the show's creator. 我将访问鲜少露面的制作人
  [01:19.36]Let's go live to  跟我到全能摄影棚
  [01:21.20]the 22 1st floor of the Omni-Cam Ecosphere. 第221层的月球室
  [01:26.12]There we'll find the world's greatest tele-visionary. 访问最伟大的电视先锋
  [01:29.36]The designer of the world within a world that is Seahaven 海景岛的设计建筑师
  [01:33.64]; Christof. 克里斯托
  [01:37.76]Before we begin, I'd like to thank you  首先我得代表观众
  [01:37.80]On behalf of our audience For granting this interview. 感谢你接受我们的独家专访
  [01:40.00]we know your schedule is demanding,  我知道你一向都很忙
  [01:42.68]and how you guard your privacy. 而且不喜欢在电视曝光
  [01:47.80]- This, sir, is indeed an honour.  这实在是莫大的殊荣
  [01:48.68]- Don't mention it. 不客气
  [01:50.76]The catalyst for the recent dramatic events - 引发这些戏剧性发展的主因
  [01:55.76]- has been Truman's father, Kirk, and his attempt at infiltration. 就是他父亲寇克的重新进场
  [01:57.08]This is not the first time  我想先指出…
  [02:01.20]someone has tried to reach Truman, is it? 以前也有外人想影响楚门
  [02:06.24]we have had our close calls. 好几次都是有惊无险
  [02:07.28]lt's television! l did it!  这是电视节目
  [02:09.12]l'm on The Truman Show! 我上了“楚门秀”
  [02:15.48]With this most recent Breach in security- -  不过这次的情况最为严重
  [02:18.80]But now, the first intruder to be a former cast member. 以前的角色闯入现场
  [02:22.16]- A dead one at that.  而且他已经是死了
  [02:24.36]- writing Kirk back in, brilliant. 让他复活真是神来之笔
  [02:28.80]Kirk started this whole crisis. 他既然引发这次的危机
  [02:32.92]He was the only one who could end it. 我就决定由他来解决
  [02:34.56]Truman, no! 楚门,不
  [02:38.36]Why?. What's over there? 那是什么地方?
  [02:39.96]- That's off limits! - 别过去
  [02:42.84]Nothing. lt's dangerous, that's all. 那里很危险
  [02:43.16]You have to know your limitations. 你得知道分寸
  [02:46.40]Let's remind viewers why Dad was written out in the first place. 请先说明当初为何让他死亡
  [02:50.80]As Truman grew up, we manufactured ways to keep him on the island. 我们想尽方法不让楚门离开
  [02:54.44]- l'd like to be a great explorer.  我想像麦哲伦般当探险家
  [02:57.56]- There's nothing left to explore. 太迟了,现在已没什么好探险
  [03:07.20]- Then l thought up Kirk's drowning.  我终于想到要让父亲淹死
  [03:09.80]- He's feared the water ever since. 楚门从此就很怕水
  [03:13.36]when Kirk read the synopsis,  当寇克看到剧本大乎
  [03:16.76]he was disappointed, to say the least. 他感到非常失望
  [03:21.84]l'm sure that's why he broke onto the set. 所以他才会想尽办法要回去
  [03:23.68]But how do you intend to explain his 22-year absence? 他不在的22年要怎么解释?
  [03:28.68]- Amnesia.  失忆症
  [03:30.04]Let's take some viewer calls. 让我们接听观众电话
  [03:30.84]- Brilliant. 太聪明了
  [03:33.84]North Carolina, you're on with Christof. 南卡罗莱纳州,请说
  [03:38.52]l was wondering how many cameras you got in that town. 镇上到底有几部摄影机?
  [03:42.28]Somewhere in the vicinity of 5,000. 大约有五千部
  [03:45.64]that's A lot of cameras. 好多
  [03:47.16]Remember, we started with just one. 当初只有一部
  [03:54.88]He was two weeks premature, 他早产了两周
  [03:56.60]as if he couldn't wait to get started. 似乎等不及了
  [03:58.36]And his eagerness to leave the womb was the reason he was selected. 这也是你选中他的原因
  [04:03.36]ln competition with five other unwanted pregnancies - 当时有六个待领养的婴儿
  [04:07.64]- for a show determined by an air date, 在我们要播映的当天
  [04:09.04]only Truman arrived on cue. 楚门按时出生
  [04:15.76]l believe Truman is the first child to be adopted by a corporation. 他是第一个 被公司领养的小孩
  [04:21.84]- That's correct. - 没错
  [04:22.16]The show's made enormous revenue. 这节目的收益惊人
  [04:25.32]Equivalent to the GNP of a small country. 相当于一个小国的生产毛额
  [04:29.92]lt takes the population of an entire country to keep it running. 但要知道 这节目需要一国的人来维持
  [04:31.68]Since it's on 24 hours, revenues are generated by product placement. 这节目24小时播出,没有广告
  [04:35.44]All those staggering revenues Are generated By product placement. 所有的收入来自产品安插
  [04:40.36]Everything on the show is for sale,  节目上的一切都是商品
  [04:44.52]down to the very homes they live in. 服装、食品和住家
  [04:46.48]All of it in the Truman catalogue. Operators are standing by. 这些都在楚门商品目录出售
  [04:51.68]Christof,  我想请问你
  [04:52.88]why has Truman never come close to discovering - 他为什么从来没发现真相?
  [04:55.44]- the true nature of his world until now?
  [04:59.72]We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. 每个人都会接受眼前的现实
