听电影学英语-楚门的世界 14(在线收听

  [00:03.92]It's as simple as that. 就是那么简单
  [00:06.76]The Hague for Christof. Hello.. 海牙的观众,你好
  [00:08.64]The Hague .. 海牙观众
  [00:10.88]All right, let's go to Hollywood, California. 讯号中断,加州好莱坞
  [00:13.24]Hi, christof. I'd just Like to say one thing.  这是“真情对话”
  [00:13.84]You're a liar and a manipulator, and what you've done to Truman is sick. 我只想说一句话
  [00:20.28]Well, we remember this voice, don't we?  大家都记得这声音
  [00:26.24]How could we forget? 怎么忘得了?
  [00:27.88]- Let's go to another call.  我们接另一个电话
  [00:28.56]- No, no. lt's fine, Mike. 不用,没关系
  [00:31.60]l love to reminisce with former members of the cast. 我想和前任演员叙叙旧
  [00:35.12]Sylvia, as you announced so melodramatically to the world ... 丝薇亚,你这样公然吵吵闹闹
  [00:42.64]Do you think because you batted your eyes at Truman once, - 你以为你曾经向楚门抛过媚眼
  [00:48.04]- flirted with him, stole a few minutes of air time - 和他合演过几场戏
  [00:52.92]- to thrust your politics into the limelight, that you know him? 就算得上很了解他?
  [00:56.16]That you know what's right for him? 知道什么对他最好吗?
  [00:58.56]Are you in a position tojudge him? 你有资格批评他吗?
  [01:01.04]What right do you have to turn a baby's life into a mockery?. 你无权把一个生命 当成一场秀
  [01:06.40]Don't you ever feel guilty?. 你没罪恶感吗?
  [01:11.28]l have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. 我让他过正常生活
  [01:16.44]The world, the place you live in, - 你们住的世界很可怕
  [01:23.52]- is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be. 海景镇才是理想国度
  [01:25.52]- He's a prisoner, not a performer.  他不是演员,而是囚犯
  [01:32.16]lf his was more than a vague ambition, if he was determined - 他如果决心要查出真相
  [01:35.52]- to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him. 谁也阻止不了他
  [01:41.32]l think what distresses you, really, caller, - 我认为你会感到愤怒
  [01:46.68]- is that, ultimately, Truman prefers his cell, as you call it. 是因为他宁愿住在 你所谓的“牢里”
  [01:53.12]That's where you're so wrong. 你错了,大错特错
  [01:56.60]And he'll prove you wrong. 他会证明的
  [02:00.40]These heated comments aside,  除了少数人的反对
  [02:02.76]it's been a very positive experience. 这仍是很正面的经验
  [02:07.68]For Truman and for the viewers. 对楚门和大众都是如此
  [02:08.72]Thank you for your time. 谢谢你在百忙之中接受访问
  [02:12.64]Now that this crisis is behind us, - 危机已解除,他也恢复正常
  [02:19.36]- can we look forward to some exciting new developments? 未来有更精彩的发展吗?
  [02:21.16]The big news is; Meryl will leave Truman in an upcoming episode. 大消息是梅莉将离开楚门
  [02:26.12]A new romantic interest will be introduced. 他将有新的对象
  [02:30.20]l'm determined that TV's first on-air conception will take place. 我决定现场转播性交过程
  [02:35.08]Another television milestone. 另一个电视里程碑即将出现
  [02:38.08]lt has been a singular honour and a pleasure. 这是我的荣幸
  [02:42.24]Christof, thank you. -谢谢你 -谢谢
  [04:02.24]Hey, Simeon. -西曼 -干嘛?
  [04:09.04]- ls he looking at us?  他在看我们吗?
  [04:10.64]- You think he knows? 你看他识穿了?
  [04:14.08]- Hello ...
  [04:14.60]- Beter call Christof. 快通知克里斯托
  [04:18.68]Come in, Major Burbank. 伯班少校,请回答
  [04:36.08]He's back to his old self. -他又恢复正常 -天啊
  [04:46.72]That's an unusual cat, my man. 这傢伙真古怪
  [04:54.56]l hereby proclaim this planet... 我把这星球命名为
