听电影学英语-楚门的世界 16(在线收听

  [00:03.68]l got a six-pack of cold brewskies with our name on them. 老朋友,我带了六罐啤酒
  [00:10.48]Come on, buddy. 出来吧
  [00:16.84]Shit! 该死
  [00:20.72]Marlon, find him. He's still in the room. 他还在,快找到他
  [00:26.28]- Come out, wherever you are. 捉迷藏吗?出来吧
  [00:30.16]- Good. Keep it light. 很好,开开玩笑
  [00:31.84]l know you're in here. 我一定找得到你
  [00:37.32]Check under the table.  检查桌底
  [00:40.76]The closet, behind you. 背后的衣橱
  [00:50.12]Gee, l wonder where he could possibly be. 他到底在哪里呢?
  [01:02.96]Lawn-cam! 前院摄影机
  [01:11.92]- Say something. Keep it going. 别看镜头,继续说话
  [01:14.28]- He's gone. 他不见了
  [01:14.68]- Cut transmission? -中止转播 -中止转播?
  [01:16.04]- Cut transmission! - Cut transmission? 快切断
  [01:23.60]- God in heaven! 电话给我
  [01:23.84]- Give me the phone! 什么都看不到
  [01:47.16]We've got every available extra looking for him. 每个演员都在找他
  [01:52.64]The crew, too. 主角和工作人员也去了
  [01:55.60]- What about prop cars? - Accounted for. -道具车呢? -都在,他用走的
  [02:00.52]He has the world's most recognisable face, he can't disappear. 谁都认得他,不可能消失
  [02:42.16]Go find him, Pluto. Good dog.
  [02:48.04]All this fuss! lf he could just hear my voice. 他听到我的声音就会出来
  [02:52.40]Truman! Truman! 楚门…
  [02:57.48]Let me try. Truman! 让我来
  [02:58.84]lt's me, Dad!
  [03:04.44]Let's talk! 我们谈谈
  [03:08.12]Yeah, l know.  我知道
  [03:11.00]We're just about done with the square. 快搜完广场了
  [03:12.60]we've got to go back to Barrymore, check the interiors. 到巴家屋子里找找
  [03:17.44]Who's watching the college? Send someone over there. 大学呢?那里是谁负责?
  [03:27.20]- Take another man, get down there. 再找人过去
  [03:27.40]- Find the son of a bitch! 我不管,快找到那混蛋
  [03:32.44]Get some bateries. He's not gonna glow in the dark. 去找手电筒,他又不会发光
  [03:38.80]We need more light. We'll never find him this way. 太暗了,找不到他的
  [03:48.96]- What time is it? - 几点了?
  [03:50.16]lt's way too early for that. 还早
  [03:58.40]Cue the sun. 准备日出
  [04:05.76]What time is it? 现在几点?
  [04:09.44]There's rumours that he's dead. 谣传说他死了,听到吗?
  [04:09.92]Christof, what's going on?  怎么回事?
  [04:14.68]The media's having a feeding frenzy. 记者争着抢新闻
  [04:17.48]All the phone lines Are jammed, 电话全占线
  [04:18.96]Every network has a pirated shot of Marlon making an ass of himself. 电视台都在播马龙露出马脚
  [04:21.76]- The sponsors are threatening us. 厂商要抽掉赞助
  [04:24.72]- We're geting our highest ratings. 现在的收视率居高不下
  [04:33.16]- No sign of him.  找不到他
  [04:35.60]- Go back to town, join the others. 马龙,回镇上集合
  [04:37.16]Everyone else at first positions.  大家各就各位
  [04:41.12]Everyone is at first positions? 大家各就各位
  [05:00.20]He's got to be there somewhere. 他一定在某个地方
