听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 10(在线收听

  [00:08.92]Hello? 你好?
  [00:08.96]TAYLOR:: Ohay, l iust wanted to mahe sure you didn't give me a bogus number. 好的,我就是确定一下你没有给我一个空号
  [00:16.64]SARA: The radiation. which ultimately put Kate into remission... 化疗最终让Kate好些了
  [00:20.24]...worked its magic by wearing her down. 但也让她变得更加虚弱
  [00:22.80]Taylor Ambrose. a drug of an entirely different sort... Taylor Ambrose,确是完全另一类药物
  [00:31.28](MUTED DIALOGUE)
  [01:09.64]SARA: l don't think that we can actually make it tomorrow... 实际上我想明天我们不行
  [01:11.40]...(PHONE RINGING)... - 你去接她好吗? - 我可以去接她
  [01:13.20]...-...so do you mind picking her up? - l can totally pick her up.
  [01:15.00]KATE: Hi. How are you? No. just eating dinner. You? 嗨,你怎么样? 不是,就是在吃饭,你呢?
  [01:22.44]- Who was that? - Oh. that's her new boyfriend. Taylor. - 谁啊? - 哦,那是他的新男朋友,Taylor
  [01:25.84]What? She has a boyfriend? 什么?她有男朋友了?
  [01:27.04]They go to Borders together and read books. 他们俩一起去Borders读书
  [01:29.92]And it's really dorky. 真傻
  [01:31.52]- Do you wanna see a picture? - Yes. - 想看看照片吗? - 好啊
  [01:32.48]ANNA: Hand me the bag. please. 把包递给我
  [01:34.08]SARA: The chicken. Watch the chicken. please. 鸡肉,注意鸡肉
  [01:38.08]He's actually a really good kid. l like him. 他是个好孩子,我喜欢他
  [01:42.04]Oh. wow. 哦,喔
  [01:42.32]KELLY: Thank you. 多谢
  [01:44.64]He's. like. really good. 他,好像,确实很好
  [01:46.32]SARA: Cute. right? - Yeah. - 讨人喜欢,是吧? - 是
  [01:48.00]Hey. 嘿
  [01:50.88]You did good. Katie. 干得很好,Katie
  [01:56.52](CAR APPROACHES)...
  [01:60.72]...(DOGS BARKING)
  [02:06.48]BRIAN: What's the matter? - Nothing. - 怎么了? - 没事
  [02:11.28]She's home. 她回来了
  [03:08.88]l can taste your Cytoxan. 我可以尝到你嘴里环磷酰胺味道
  [03:12.40]l'm sorry. 对不起
  [03:13.48]No. it's okay. 不,这很好
  [03:19.92]l kind of like it. 我很喜欢这种味道
  [03:23.72]Besides... 另外
  [03:26.08]...they told me yesterday l'm relapsing. 昨天他们告诉我病情恶化
  [03:27.72]l start chemo next week. 下周我得化疗
  [03:29.16]Maybe it'll save me a dose. 或许它会救我一命
  [04:20.00]l had a really good time. 我度过了一段真正美好的时光
  [04:21.56]Me too. 我也是
  [04:48.60]KATE: Are you awake? 还醒着?
  [04:51.40]l am now. 现在醒了
  [04:54.24]So how was it? Was it great? 约会怎么样,很棒吗?
  [04:58.16]We kissed. 我们接吻了
  [04:59.36]You kissed? 你接吻了?
