听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 12(在线收听

  [00:02.28]SARA: Are you ready? ANNA: Okay. ready. - 准备好了? - 好的,好了
  [00:02.72]Come here. Hurry. quick. 到这儿来,快,快点
  [00:04.80]She's coming down. 她下来了
  [00:06.12]Oh. my God. 噢,天啊
  [00:08.92]KELLY: There she is. SARA: Oh. my God. - 她来了 - 哦,天哪
  [00:11.40]That is just so beautiful. Look how beautiful. Doesn't she look beautiful? 太漂亮啦,看看有多漂亮啊,不是吗?
  [00:16.20]Wait. stay right there. Don't come down. 等下,停在那儿,别下来
  [00:18.24]- Honey. you look so beautiful. ANNA: No. she looks pretty. - 宝贝,你看起来真漂亮 - 不对,是非常非常漂亮
  [00:20.32]Okay. wait. wait. wait. stop. Can you just come down? 好,等,等,等,停下 你能就在那里站着吗?
  [00:22.64]l wanna see your guys'-- Wait. Kate. go back up the stairs for a second. 我要看看你们,等下,Kate,回楼梯上,就一会
  [00:27.36]Can you look this way. Taylor? 看这儿,Taylor?
  [00:27.68]l wanna see you coming down with your hands. 我想看你挽着她的手下来
  [00:30.60]Excellent. Wait. hold on. hold on. here we go. 很好,等一下,坚持住,开始
  [00:33.68]Wait. l wanna get a Polaroid too. Hold on. Kate? Can l see your face? 等一下,我也要用Polaroid照一张 坚持住,Kate,看镜头?
  [00:36.12]Okay. right there. 好的,就是那儿
  [00:37.04]Oh. excellent. 喔,太棒了
  [00:39.76]lf you guys wanna stand right there. There we go. 如果你们想站那儿,我们开始
  [00:43.44]- Ready? Okay. yes. stand right there. ANNA: l didn't get enough pictures. - 准备好了?好的,没错,站在那儿 - 我还没拍够呢
  [00:45.48]KELLY: One more. okay? 再来一次,好吗?
  [00:46.28]SARA: You're kind of blocking it. sweetheart. 你挡到镜头了,宝贝
  [00:47.84]- Can you just step--? ANNA: l got it. - 你能走开点吗? - 知道了
  [00:51.24]- Kelly. you're in the picture. KATE: Mom. - Kelly,你被照进来了 - 妈妈
  [00:52.44]l can't see them. 我看不见他们
  [00:52.72]KELLY: Listen. you guys stand like you're at prom. 听着,你们可以站的像正式舞会时一样吗?
  [00:54.60]- You know-- - Yeah. Iet me see that corsage. - 你知道 - 对啊,让我可以拍到你的胸花
  [00:58.88]SARA: There we go. Excellent. KELLY: Hi. Hi. - 好啦,很棒 - 嗨,嗨
  [00:58.92]- Sweetie. but can l just see--? KELLY: Say cheese. - 亲爱的,看过来好吗? - 说茄子
  [01:03.28]Hi. Oh. sweet. 嗨,噢,宝贝
  [01:04.48]- That's so-- - Stop. - 这也太...  - 停
  [01:07.64]Mom. Mom. please. It's enough. okay? 妈妈,不要说了,够了,好么?
  [01:07.84]ANNA: Yeah. Iooks good. l like it. 是的,看起来很好,我喜欢
  [01:12.16]- l need to document this moment. okay? ANNA: No. wait. - 我要记录这个时刻,好吗? - 不,等等
  [01:13.20]SARA: Just in front. There you-- 站在前面,你就站那儿
  [01:16.20]Oh. my God. that's so cute. All right. 哦,天啊,太漂亮了,很好
  [01:18.76]ANNA: Kate. Kate. SARA: Oh. my God. - Kate,Kate - 哦,天啊
  [01:21.76]Okay. Iet me just get a Polaroid of it too. Wait. you got some. Sweetheart. - 好的,我也来一张 - 等等,你照了,宝贝
  [01:24.04]ANNA: Hey. hold on. SARA: Oh. honey. - 嘿,坚持住 - 哦,宝贝
  [01:31.20]Do l look pretty. Daddy? 爸爸,我看起来漂亮吗?
  [01:39.56]You ready? 准备好了?
  [01:44.80]Have some fun. 玩得高兴点
  [01:48.60]l love you. Daddy. 我爱你,爸爸
  [01:53.36]Honey. turn around. Can l see--? 宝贝,转过来,我可否看看...?
  [01:55.64]- Right there. - Taylor. Taylor. - 就是这儿 - Taylor,Taylor
  [02:34.24]Do you wanna get out of here? 想出去吗?
  [02:36.52]Yeah. Where? 是的,去哪?
  [02:37.72]l know a place. 我知道一个地方
  [02:56.00]Oh. my God. Oh. my God. l'm gonna fall. 哦,天啊,哦,老天,我要倒了
  [02:59.60]l'm gonna fall. 我要倒了
  [03:00.96]Taylor. Taylor
  [03:57.84]KATE: You ever think about dying? 你有没想过死的事?
  [04:02.20]Not really. 没怎么想过
  [04:04.68]You're not scared? 你不怕?
  [04:08.16]No. 不
  [04:18.52]lf l didn't have cancer l never would have found 'you. 如果我没有得癌症,就不会遇见你
  [04:23.28]So yeah. l'm glad l'm sick. 所以,我很欣慰我得了病
  [04:29.12]Me too. 我也是
  [04:33.40]You okay? 你还好吧
  [04:39.08]Yeah. 是的
  [04:59.48]KATE: It's been three days, Mom. 已经三天了,妈妈
