听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 16(在线收听

  [00:01.04]Mrs. Fitzgerald. how old was Anna when she started donating to her sister? Fitzgerald夫人,Anna多大时开始帮助她的姐姐?
  [00:05.52]She was a newborn. 刚出生时
  [00:08.80]And at 5. she started donating lymphocytes. 五岁时,她开始提供淋巴液
  [00:10.96]is that correct? 是吗?
  [00:11.16]Mm-hm. 嗯
  [00:12.96]- What does that involve? - Giving blood. - 这包括什么? - 献血
  [00:15.48]- Did Anna agree to that? - No. she was 5. - Anna同意吗? - 不同意,她才五岁
  [00:17.44]So you didn't ask her if they could stick the needles in her arm? 所以你没有问过她是否可以让医生把针刺进她的胳膊?
  [00:20.40]l asked her to help her sister. and she agreed. 我问过她可否帮助她的姐姐,她同意了
  [00:23.88]Didn't two nurses have to hold Anna down because she was fighting so hard? 难道不是由于Anna挣扎的太激烈了而有两个护士不得不把她按住吗?
  [00:24.92]Really? 真的?
  [00:28.08]So she didn't completely agree. now. did she? 所以她并不是完全同意,是吧?
  [00:29.40]Mm-hm. 没错
  [00:33.16]Mr. Alexander. it's just us chickens. No showboating. please. Alexander先生,就事论事 请不要得意忘形
  [00:35.44]l'm sorry. Your Honor. Force of habit. 对不起,法官阁下,习惯使然
  [00:39.12]Mrs. Fitzgerald. how old was Anna the next time she was hospitalized? Fitzgerald夫人,Anna的第二次入院时多大?
  [00:44.28]- When Kate was 9. she got a-- - That's not what l asked. - Kate九岁时,她得了... - 我问的不是这个
  [00:49.48]l want to find out what happened to Anna when she was 6. 我想知道Anna六岁时发生了什么
  [00:56.40]- She donated granulocytes. - And what's that? More needles? - 她捐出了粒性白细胞 - 那是什么?挨了更多针?
  [00:58.48]And did you ask Anna if she was willing to donate the granulocytes? 你是否问过Anna她愿不愿意捐出她的粒性白细胞?
  [00:59.68]Yup. 是啊
  [01:02.08]Her sister needed them. She was the only match. 她姐姐需要这个,她是唯一匹配上的
  [01:05.68]But did you ask her? 你问过她吗?
  [01:15.88]Mrs. Fitzgerald. answer the question. please. Fitzgerald夫人,请回答这个问题
  [01:19.08]No. l didn't. 不,我没问过
  [01:22.44]We talked about it a lot. but no. l didn't ask her permission. 我们就这个谈了许多,但没有,我没有征求她的同意
  [01:26.24]Next was the bone-marrow aspiration. 下一件是骨髓捐赠
  [01:30.20]Could you describe that procedure for us? 你可以为我们描叙一下步骤吗?
  [01:35.96]They put needles into Anna's hips. 把针刺进Anna的髋部
  [01:36.68]- lnto the bone? Big needles? - Yes. Mm-hm. - 刺进骨头?很大的针? - 是啊,嗯
  [01:40.96]Using your hands. would you indicate to the court the size of those needles? 你能否向法庭(里的诸位)用手比划一下针的大小?
  [01:48.12]lt's a tough procedure. am l right? Anna had to be hospitalized afterward. 这是很痛苦的一步,是吗? Anna不得不在这步后接着住院
  [01:53.96]SARA: Yes. CAMPBELL: For how long? - 是的 - 有多久?
  [01:55.28]Six days. There were some complications. 六天,有些并发症
  [01:59.32]l see. 我知道了
  [02:00.64]You add it all up. it's not so innocuous, is it? 你把一切都说出来了,并不是无害的,是吗?
  [02:02.08]lt's tough to hear it all hashed out that way. 听完这一切的细节,心情会很沉重的
  [02:05.12]l don't see the point. Court's well aware of the family's medical history. 我没看到意义,法庭对这个家庭的医疗史了解得很清楚
  [02:08.20]Of Kate's history. Your Honor. but not of Anna's. 对Kate的医疗史很清楚,法官阁下,而不是Anna的
  [02:13.68]Fair enough. Proceed. 很公平,继续
  [02:55.92]Mrs. Fitzgerald. Iooking back and only taking into account Anna's well-being... Fitzgerald夫人,回顾过去,仅仅考虑Anna的福祉
  [03:00.16]...do you think it's reasonable to conclude that you might have taken this too far? 你不认为你做的太过了,这合理吗?
  [03:12.60]Looking at only Anna's situation... 仅仅考虑Anna的处境
  [03:15.48]...yes, it is. 是的,是这样的
  [03:18.88]But l have to think about my entire family. 但是我得考虑我整个家庭
  [03:21.44]- But Kate comes first? - Kate's sick. - 但是以Kate为先? - Kate病了
  [03:22.80]So this is a triage situation. 这是个两难处境
  [03:26.80]Compromising one child's health on behalf of the other. Where's the line? 把一个孩子的健康与另外一个的利益相比,标准是什么?
  [03:28.92]- For Kate. it's life or death. - Not for Kate. for Anna. - 对Kate来说,非生即死 - 不是对Kate,对Anna
  [03:33.76]- She's why we're here. - That's a trick question. - 她是我们在这儿的原因 - 这是个诡辩
  [03:34.24]Because Anna isn't the only person in this equation. Anna不是整件事中的唯一一个
  [03:36.96]And if we were looking at it only from Anna's situation. sure. it is brutal. 如果我们只盯着Anna的处境,没错,很残忍
  [03:46.20]And you can look at me and you can say how awful l am for doing that to my child. 你可以看着我,说我如何对我的孩子做可怕的事
  [03:49.96]You know what? It is awful. But it's not... 你知道什么?那是很残忍
  [03:52.12]...as awful as putting your child in the ground. 但是如果放任不管不是更残忍吗
  [03:54.64]- You stand up for your family. - lt's my job. - 你维护你的家庭 - 这是我的工作
  [03:57.32]- And you stand up for Kate. - l do. - 你保卫了Kate - 是啊
  [03:58.24]But the real question is: 但是真正的问题是
  [03:59.52]Who stands up for Anna? 谁在支持Anna?
  [04:08.04]Nothing further. Your Honor. 没有了,法官阁下
  [04:14.72](DOG BARKING)
  [04:17.20]Mr. Alexander does your dog have to go to'the bathroom? Alexander先生,你的狗要去盥洗室吗?
  [04:20.20]No. Your Honor. but l may need a recess. 不,法官阁下,但是我要休庭
  [04:22.36]l'm afraid that's out of the question. l wanna finish today. Next witness. please. 恐怕这就毫无可能了,我想今天断案,下一位证人
  [04:26.24]The court calls Anna Fitzgerald. 法庭传唤Anna Fitzgerald
  [04:32.92]...l mean it. If you can't control your animal. l'll have him removed. 我说过了,如果你不能让你的狗安静下来,我就得带走他
  [04:37.28]No. no. l was speaking to the dog. The dog's name is Judge. 不,不,我在和狗说呢,他的名字是Judge
  [04:40.56]l don't care what his name is. l want him quiet. 我不管他叫什么,我要他安静
  [04:45.16]BAILIFF: Raise your hand. 举起你的手
  [04:47.12]Do you swear to tell the truth. whole truth. nothing but the truth? 你愿意宣誓陈述真实,全部真实,只有真实
  [04:49.32]- Yup. - Please state your name for the record. - 是 - 声明你的名字以便备案
  [04:50.32]Anna Fitzgerald. Anna Fitzgerald
  [04:58.16]- Hey. Mom. - Hi. sweetheart. - 嘿,妈妈 - 嗨,宝贝
