AP 2011-04-16(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama has outlined his ideas on ways to cut national spending. The president wants to cut four trillion dollars over a dozen years, through cuts in the growth of Medicare spending, cuts in defense and an end to some tax loopholes, along with an end to tax cuts for wealthier Americans.

2. Police say a ten-year-old boy escaped through the window of a minivan as his mother drove herself and three children into New York's Hudson River. A mother and three children died. Police say Lashanda Armstrong drove the minivan into the river after she was involved in a domestic dispute.

3. A Kentucky couple wants the TSA to change how it screens children after their six-year-old daughter was frisked at the New Orleans airport. The family was returning home from a vacation this month when their daughter Anna was selected for a pat-down. The couple posted a video of the search on YouTube.

4. The president to the Czech Republic is getting a lot of attention on the Internet after a video went viral showing him apparently pocketing a ceremonial pen. Czech television broadcast the video of the incident that happened during a ceremony last week in Chile.
