听电影学英语-街舞少年 03(在线收听

  [00:03.02]l have your mama. 我来搞定你老妈
  [00:04.70]-He'll get a beating. -Miss Williams ain't banging on me. -他会被揍惨的 -Miss Williams没在搞我
  [00:05.70]-Why you gotta do my mom like that? -l was doing her like that. Last night. -你为干嘛要那样上我妈? -我就是那样上她 昨天晚上
  [00:11.34]Give me my money! 把钱拿来!
  [00:28.86]l got it! l got it! 我来!
  [00:30.14]-l want my money. -The money's mine. -我要我的钱 -钱是我的
  [00:34.62]l want it. 我要
  [00:40.02]Where's my money? Where's my money? 钱呢?我的钱呢?
  [00:42.66]Get out of here. 走!
  [00:52.42]D! D!
  [00:52.94]-Let's get out of here! Let's go! -Let's go. Move it! -快走快走! -快走!
  [00:59.26]Get up, D! D! 起来!
  [01:03.46]Come on! 起来啊!
  [01:08.74]l'm sorry, man, l'm sorry. 对不起
  [01:15.26]Somebody do something! 帮帮我啊!
  [02:19.50]We'd like to welcome all arriving passengers to Atlanta, 欢迎所有来到亚特兰大的乘客
  [02:45.90]We are so glad to have you here, DJ. 很高兴你来了 DJ.
  [02:51.58]You're in Atlanta, we'll get you a Hawks jersey or something. 你到亚特兰大了 我们会带你看场鹰队(NBA球队)的比赛什么的
  [02:54.06]Honey, nobody watches the Hawks. 亲爱的 没人看鹰队的比赛
  [02:54.46]That's your uncle's way of saying welcome to Georgia. 那你是舅舅欢迎人家到佐治亚州的习惯用语 (亚特兰大是佐治亚州首府)
  [02:58.74]You'll get used to the humidity. 你会适应这的高湿度的
  [03:18.42]You must be so excited to start school. 要上学了你肯定很激动
  [03:19.02]Or nervous. 或者很紧张
  [03:22.02]But don't be. You'll do just fine. 不过放轻松 你没问题的
  [03:25.18]You know that's where l met your uncle. 我就是在那儿认识你舅舅的
  [03:28.18]You guys went to Truth? 你们也上的Truth大学?
  [03:30.94]l did. Your uncle was working there. 我上的 你舅舅在那儿工作
  [03:32.94]Come on, let me show you up to your room. This way. 来 我带你去你的房间 这边
  [03:43.90]That's your bathroom over there, and this is your room. 那边是你的浴室 这是你的卧室
  [03:50.46]lf you get tired of campus food, you're more than welcome... 你要是吃腻了学校的饭
  [03:52.82]...to spend your weekends here with us, anytime. 周末随时欢迎你来我们这儿
  [03:55.82]You know, whatever makes you comfortable. 只要你舒服就行
  [03:57.70]Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:02.10]DJ, l didn't get a chance to tell you at the funeral... DJ 葬礼的时候我没顾上跟你说
  [04:07.06]...but you know we loved him. 但你知道我们爱他
  [04:11.82]l know how close you two were. 我知道你们曾经很亲密
  [04:15.30]l gotta run and show a house... 我得走了 我要带人家看房
  [04:17.18]...so when l get back, l'll make us all some dinner. 我回来了就做饭
  [04:19.38]Okay? 好吧?
  [04:30.42]Honey, go ahead and help yourself to some apple pie. 亲爱的 吃点苹果派吧
  [04:31.30]l know it's your favorite. 我知道你最爱吃了
  [04:33.18]No, no, thanks. 不了 谢谢
  [04:39.26]You know l had to call in a favor to get you into this school. 你知道我是走了后门才让你进了这所学校
  [04:42.02]-No, that's cool. l'm listening. -Good. -没关系 我听着呢 -好
  [04:44.70]Because the rules are very simple. 因为规则很简单
  [04:46.10]There's three things you have to deal with. 你要做叁件事
  [04:49.42]First, you must keep your grades up at all times. 首先 成绩要一直很好
  [04:54.38]Second, l'm in charge of your work study program... 其次 我会负责你的勤工俭学项目
  [04:56.58]...but you'll not be treated differently... 但我不会有双重标准
  [04:58.86]...nor will you behave any different than my other 26 employees. 你也不能在其他26个雇员中搞特殊
