听电影学英语-街舞少年 06(在线收听

  [00:06.02]The seven-year champs are here! 七届冠军在此!
  [00:18.70]-T-H-E-T-A! -Nu! -T-H-E-T-A! -Nu!
  [00:21.70]-T-H-E-T-A! -What? -T-H-E-T-A! -What?
  [00:25.78]-T-H-E-T-A! -What? -T-H-E-T-A! -What?
  [00:28.78]Who's that creeping in my window? Who's that creeping in my window?
  [00:30.54]Now! Theta Nu! Now! Theta Nu!
  [00:34.94]Who's that creeping in my window? Who's that creeping in my window?
  [00:36.42]Now! Theta Nu! Now! Theta Nu!
  [00:37.58]Who's that creeping in my window? Who's that creeping in my window?
  [00:41.70]Now! Theta Nu! Now! Theta Nu!
  [00:45.46]What? What?
  [00:52.30]T-N-T! T-N-T!
  [00:55.02]Explosive, explosive, explosive, Explosive, explosive, explosive,
  [01:04.54]Wolf pack, march! Wolf pack, march!
  [01:14.98]-M-U! -Gamma Xi! -M-U! -Gamma Xi!
  [01:16.06]Gamma Mu Xi! Gamma Mu Xi!
  [01:21.38]Gamma Mu Xi! Gamma Mu Xi!
  [01:24.42]Gamma Mu Xi! Gamma Mu Xi!
  [01:27.70]Wolf pack attack! Wolf pack attack!
  [01:55.74]Mu! Mu!
  [02:05.66]The seven-year champs are here, The seven-year champs are here,
  [02:08.38]The seven-year champs are here, The seven-year champs are here,
  [02:10.42]The seven-year champs are here, The seven-year champs are here,
  [02:23.06]-Hey. -Hey. -Hey. -Hey.
  [02:26.18]How are you doing? 你好!
  [02:29.74]Aren't you that guy that was fighting with that girl in the line? 你不就是排队的时候 和那个女孩吵架的家伙么
  [02:34.82]Yeah, but it wasn't like that. 是的 但其实不是那么回事
  [02:37.98]-Hey, babe. -What's up, baby girl? 宝贝儿 宝贝儿你好么?
  [02:38.18]April! April!
  [02:41.66]-l thought l told you to wait for me. -l know, l had to go to the library. -我记得我让你等我来的 -我知道 我得去图书馆
  [02:43.62]-Who's your friend? -DJ. -这是谁? -DJ
  [02:48.82]DJ was just passing by. DJ路过这儿
  [02:49.78]Oh, yeah. l remember you. 我记得你
  [02:51.78]You're the idiot that tried to break our step line. 你是那个打乱我们队形的笨蛋
  [02:56.18]Yeah, well, it seems like DJ has a thing with lines. 哦 好像DJ老跟队伍过不去
  [02:59.66]You see those flags there? 看见那些旗了么?
  [03:02.06]You don't mess with the Mus and you don't mess with my girl. 你不能惹Mu的人 你也不能惹我的女朋友
  [03:08.02]l'm gonna bounce. 我要走了
  [03:35.94]You don't know what you're talking about. 你不知道你都说了些什么
  [03:37.94]Here, it's all about the haves and the have-mores. 在这儿 只能是"有"或者"有更多"
  [03:42.10]Either you come in first place or you're not even in the game, player. 要不就是第一 要不就出局
  [03:44.26]Oh, yo, guys, this is DJ. 伙计们 这位是DJ.
  [03:46.98]You know Noel, this is Byron, Paul. 你见过Noel了 这是Byron和Paul
  [03:50.26]-That's Easy over there. -What's up? -那边的是Easy -你好?
  [03:52.42]Yo, get that camera out of my face, man. 别拍我
  [03:54.62]l was saying Theta Nu Theta is gonna wipe the floor with Mu Gamma. 我认为Theta Nu Theta要大胜Mu Gamma.
  [04:01.06]Dude, why are you pledging Theta anyway? They tired. 你干嘛要加入他们? 他们不行
  [04:01.22]-How's that? -Because l'm gonna join. -为什么? -因为我要加入他们
  [04:05.66]-They pull no women. -They never win step championships. -他们对女人没有吸引力 -他们从来没赢过
  [04:07.34]-So? -''So?'' -所以呢 -"所以呢?"
  [04:12.02]-What else is there? -What about history? -还有什么? -因为历史行不行?
  [04:14.30]What about tradition? Give me my damn hat. 因为传统行不行? 把帽子还给我
  [04:16.86]He's just saying that because his father was a Theta. 他加入Theta是因为他爹在Theta
  [04:17.02]-What about legacy? -A legacy of losing. -因为传承行不行? -失败的基因
  [04:21.38]Anyway, DJ, please ignore their ignorance. DJ 忽略他们的无知
  [04:23.94]You need to roll with us to the Rep Yo' City Blast tonight. 今天晚上你跟我们一起去Rep Yo' City Blast
  [04:26.02]-Roll with us. -To the what? -跟我们一起 -去哪儿?
  [04:31.54]Where my St. Louis folks at? S-T-L, show some love. 我的圣路易斯老乡们在哪儿? S-T-L 给我们点支持
  [04:33.98]You know how we do it every week at the Phoenix! Give me love, Miami. 你们知道我们在Phoenix如何! 支持我 迈阿密的.
  [04:40.26]C-H-l, my Chicago folks in the building. C-H-l, 芝加哥老乡们
  [04:40.94]Show some love. Give it up for the A hometown people. 支持我 支持你的老乡
  [04:44.94]Where you at? Show your A. 你们在哪儿? 喊出来~
  [04:45.22]l see you, Jamaica. Do your thing, mon. 看到你了 牙买加 跳吧
  [04:50.30]Watch out for the lovely ladies in blue and white. l see you. 小心穿蓝白条的女士 我看见你了
  [04:54.78]-What's up, sir? -What's up? -还好吧! -好!
  [04:57.38]You good, man? 你还好么?
  [04:58.62]Oh, damn, Rich. You hanging with the freshmen now? Rich 你改跟新生混了?
  [05:00.30]-What? -Oh, no. This is my roommate. -恩? -不 这是我的室友
