听电影学英语-街舞少年 08(在线收听

  [00:10.30]Yo, goodness. 天哪
  [00:14.78]So l guess you thought you were defending my honor, huh? 我看你以为你是为了我
  [00:18.46]-April, what are you doing? -l'm just talking. -April 干嘛呢? -聊天
  [00:21.10]You don't have to let this dude talk to you like that. 你可不能让这哥们儿这样跟你说话
  [00:25.46]-Let's just drop it. -No. What did you say? -算了算了 -不 你说什么?
  [00:27.58]Somebody'll have to teach you how to talk to a woman. 得有人教教你怎么和女人说话了
  [00:28.86]-You gonna show me? -l already schooled you once tonight. -你来? -我今天晚上已经教过你一次了
  [00:33.66]-How much do you wanna learn? -What, you think you funny, nigga? -你想学多少? -你觉得你很幽默么?
  [00:36.94]Nah...but she clearly does. 不...但显然她觉得
  [00:39.30]-What? No, no, no, Grant. -lt's all good, baby. -啊? 不不不 Grant. -没事的宝贝儿
  [00:39.90]-Let's go. -Come on. -走 -走吧
  [00:42.50]Hey, stop. 别打了
  [00:45.10]Grant, stop it, stop. Stop. Grant 别这样
  [00:46.18]-Let's go. -Stay out of this. -走吧 -别掺和
  [00:48.82]All right, just chill. Grant. Grant 冷静
  [00:49.06]l ain't got nothing against you, but l told you already. 不是我对你有什么意见 但我已经跟你说了
  [00:53.62]-This is my roommate, man. -You do what you gotta do. -这是我的室友 -干你该干的
  [00:55.58]Noel, l thought you was gonna pledge Mu Gamma. Noel 我记得你要入Mu Gamma的
  [00:58.38]-l was gonna-- -l guess you can kiss that goodbye. -我要... -没戏了
  [01:01.10]l'm gonna bounce. 我要走了
  [01:02.78]We got unfinished business, bootlicker. 没完呢啊 马屁精
  [01:05.14]-lndeed. -Come on, let's go. -没错 -走吧
  [01:06.94]l got myself here. l can get myself home. 我自己来的 我能自己回家
  [01:12.34]Maya, will you take me home? Maya 送我回家好么?
  [01:26.62]Chill out, man. This is a friendly visit. 别紧张 我们没有敌意
  [01:30.90]l'm Zeke, president of Mu Gamma Xi. 我是Zeke Mu Gamma Xi的主席
  [01:33.10]You know Grant. 你认识Grant
  [01:34.86]We saw you at the Phoenix and we were impressed. 我们在菲克尼斯看到你的表演了 赞!
  [01:38.42]Ain't that right, Grant? 是吧Grant?
  [01:42.54]Yeah. 嗯
  [01:44.74]l got work to do, man. 我还要工作呢
  [01:48.30]Wolves! 狼!
  [01:50.58]Y'all heard the man. Get busy. 你听见他的话了 干活儿吧
  [01:58.22]Now that you got time on your hands, let's talk. 既然现在你有时间 我们可以聊聊
  [02:04.30]Look, l brought Grant with me to show you... 我带着Grand
  [02:06.70]...that we don't have any hard feelings. 是想让你知道咱们没什么过结
  [02:09.74]You're a straight-up guy. l like that. Working your way through college. 你是个坦率的人 我喜欢 勤工俭学上大学
  [02:12.66]That's admirable, but this whole gardening thing... 我敬佩你 但是当园丁
  [02:16.42]...can't be getting you any play with the ladies, man. 钓不到马子
  [02:18.22]Never had any problems in that area. 这方面我没什么问题
  [02:19.30]Okay, now l'll get straight to the point. 好吧 说主题吧
  [02:21.78]Mu Gamma Xi has the strongest alumni network, period. 一句话 Mu Gamma Xi有最强的校友关系
  [02:26.78]One phone call from us when you graduate... 你毕业的时候只要我们打个电话
  [02:28.94]...you've got a high-paying job just like that. 你就能有一个高薪工作
  [02:32.54]So you want me to join your frat? 你想让我加入你的兄弟会?
  [02:35.34]lf you step on our line. 如果你加入我们
  [02:37.70]Step on the line. l don't step, man. 跟你们? 我不跟任何人的
  [02:42.54]l battle. l battle. 我独自战斗
  [02:45.46]-What's the difference? -Pussies step. -有什么区别吗? -娘们才跳舞
  [02:48.14]You should think about what you say before you say it. 你讲话最好先经过大脑
  [02:54.82]Wolves! Wolves!
  [02:57.06]That's enough. 没事了
  [03:00.38]Let's let Mr. DJ get back to his.... 让我们的DJ先生继续....
  [03:01.94]His gardening. 他的园艺工作
  [03:07.70]-You were right. -l told you. -你是对的 -我没说错吧
  [03:16.94]l'm telling you, Sly. 我跟你讲 Sly.
  [03:18.14]You didn't see this dude punk Grant. 你真是没看到 这哥们耍Grant的情景
  [03:21.14]Look, l'm sure he's a cool dude, l just don't think he's Theta material. 听着 我确定这家伙肯定不错 但是我想他不会是能来Theta的料
  [03:24.62]You mean he's too ghetto. 你的意思是 他是在犹太人区长大的?
  [03:27.38]l don't care where he's from. 我才不管他从哪来
  [03:27.50]l don't think he got here based on his SAT's. 至少他不是靠 他的SAT成绩来这里的
  [03:30.18]Okay, fine, so he's not the archetype of a Theta, but what he-- 好吧 好吧 他是还不 够资格加入Theta 但是他--
  [03:33.06]We got other pledges to consider who have more impressive r閟um閟. 我们还有其他人选
  [03:36.46]Thank you. 多谢
  [03:37.94]Okay, okay, so that's what this is about? 好吧 好吧 这就是我们讨论的原因?
  [03:38.14]But are they gonna help us win Nationals? 但是他们能不能帮 我们赢得全国大赛呢?
  [03:42.50]What are you thinking? Aren't you sick of living in Mu Gamma's shadow? 那你想怎么样? 难道在Mu Gamma 的阴影下你过的还不够吗?
  [03:52.62]l'm sorry. Mind if l join you? 对不起 介意我坐这吗?
  [04:01.70]Suit yourself. 随你的便
  [04:03.98]l'm here to talk to you about Theta Nu Theta. 我来是想跟你 谈谈Theta Nu Theta.
  [04:07.86]You're kidding, right? 开玩笑吧你?
  [04:09.06]No. 没有
  [04:13.50]-What about it? -Members of my pledge committee... -说来听听? -我们即将入会的兄弟里有人...
  [04:15.82]-...feel you'd be an asset to the house. -No. -...觉得如果你能加入,真是帮了我们大忙 -不
  [04:19.90]Mu Gamma's murdered your asses for seven years. Mu Gamma已经踩 在你们头上7年了
  [04:20.66]You're here because you think l can help. 你来找我是觉得我能帮你们?
  [04:22.78]You know, you're cocky for a brother that's got one trick. 你知道吗 作为兄弟 你过于自傲了 不要跟我玩花样
  [04:24.86]Please spare me, man. 饶了我吧 兄弟
  [04:30.34]Spare you, fine. 饶你 好啊
  [04:30.50]There's a screening process. All applicants go through it. 我们有一整套的筛选机制 每个申请人都得通过筛选才能加入
  [04:33.50]You want to apply? 你想要申请吗?
  [04:35.26]That's up to you. 随便你
  [04:37.78]And the best you can come up with is l can apply? 而你能提出最好的条件是 我可以申请?
  [04:37.86]Mu Gamma comes here offering me a sweet deal. Mu Gamma也来盛情地 邀请过我
  [04:42.66]lf a sweet deal is really what you're looking for, Theta ain't for you. 如果你想要的是优厚的待遇 Theta不是你要待的地方
  [04:46.90]A fraternity, now, that's a brotherhood of men who forge a lifetime bond. Theta是男人的兄弟会 我们是要做一生的好兄弟
  [04:55.18]Okay, once you are a Theta, you will always and forever be a Theta. 这么说吧 一旦你成为Theta的一员 你永远都是一名Theta人
  [04:57.98]Now, you can go out of here, you can leave Truth... 当你有一天走出这里 从Truth毕业...
