听电影学英语-美食从天而降 06(在线收听

  [00:03.56]Now? 现在?
  [00:05.40]Well, the thing is, I can't... 嗯,事实上,我等不及
  [00:09.00]...wait to show you this hilarious Internet video. 要给你看看这个欢乐的网上视频
  [00:13.68]What? 什么?
  [00:15.08]What is this? 这是什么?
  [00:15.48]Fight the power! 为力量而斗!
  [00:22.72]Pushing. Folding. Connecting. 推,叠,接
  [00:22.84]It's so cute. 太可爱了
  [00:24.72]Taping. Turning. Painting. Switching. 捆,转,涂,变
  [00:27.60]Staring. 开始
  [00:29.80]Motivating. 激活
  [00:32.96]-Placing button. -I can't believe I've been watching this... - 放置按钮 - 我简直不能相信这三个小时
  [00:34.76]-...for three hours. -I know. - 我的所见 - 我知道
  [00:44.00]It's working. 它正在工作
  [00:46.48]What do you guys want for breakfast? 你们早餐想吃什么?
  [00:49.16]-Gummi Bears. -Whoa, Steve, no. - 橡胶熊 - 喔啊,Steve,不
  [00:51.84]We both know how you get around Gummi Bears. 我们都知道你有多忌惮橡胶熊
  [00:52.16]How about... 鸡蛋
  [00:55.44]-...eggs. -And toast. - 怎么样 - 还有吐司
  [00:56.40]Orange juice. 橘子汁
  [00:59.28]-And bacon. -Bacon. - 熏肉 - 熏肉
  [01:01.08]Nothing. 没什么
  [01:04.48]To the computer. 到电脑这儿来
  [01:10.36]So you're sure this is safe? 你确定这是安全的?
  [01:13.24]Don't worry. I have a Dangeometer that lets us know... 别担心,我有个计量表来监视
  [01:14.92]...if the food is going to over-mutate. 食物是否变异过度
  [01:16.68]What happens if the food over-mutates? 要是食物过度变异会发生什么?
  [01:18.96]I don't know. But that'll never happen. 我不知道,但它绝不会发生
  [01:23.24]All right, this probably won't explode. 行,这个很可能不会爆炸
  [01:24.36]What? 什么?
  [01:31.32]Bacon. 熏肉
  [01:40.32]Those cheeseburgers were only the beginning... 这些芝士汉堡包仅仅是开始
  [01:43.36]...because a breakfast system is on its way to Swallow Falls. 因为早餐正在来Swallow Falls的路上
  [01:46.12]My forecast? 我的预报?
  [01:48.60]Sunny side up. 晴天,准备好迎接美食吧
  [01:55.84]-Yeah. -Yeah. - 耶 - 耶
  [02:06.76]Flint, my boy. Can you do lunch? Flint,我的孩子,你还能做午饭吗?
  [02:12.04]You keep making it rain the snackadoos... 你接着下snackadoos(类似于杂烩)雨
  [02:15.16]...weathergirl provides free advertising... 天气女郎会接着为我们做免费广告
  [02:17.72]...l have taken out a very high-interest loan... 我为了把这个无名小镇变为旅游食品托邦
  [02:21.20]...to convert this Podunk town into a tourist food-topia. 而借了高利贷
  [02:22.12]All you have to do is make it rain food three meals a day... 你需要做的就是为了可预见的未来
  [02:27.40]...every day for the foreseeable future... 每天下一日三餐
  [02:29.96]...and in 30 days we hold a grand reopening of the island... 30天内我们会把这个岛作为
  [02:32.72]...as a must-see cruise destination. 巡游必看地点而重开
  [02:35.60]And everyone, everywhere... 每个人,每个地方
  [02:37.80]...is going to love your invention. 都会爱上你的发明
  [02:41.60]Do you think so? 你这么想?
  [02:44.48]I know so. 我知道会这样
  [02:50.72]Now that's what I call poultry in motion. 这就是我说的,美食从天降
  [03:03.36]Mr. Lockwood, may I please have waffles? Lockwood先生 我可以要华夫饼干吗?
  [03:05.32]-Falafels? -Jellybeans. - 色拉三明治? - 软心豆粒糖
  [03:08.32]-Avocado. -Coming right up. - 鳄梨 - 马上就好
  [03:12.72]Not a problem with Flint Lockwood's latest invention, the Outtasighter... 有了Flint Lockwood最新的发明就不成问题 抛食机
  [03:13.28]Leftovers? 吃剩的怎么办?
  [03:17.88]...so-named because it catapults uneaten food out of sight... 把没有吃掉的的食品投出视野而得名
  [03:21.16]...and therefore, out of mind. 同时,也把吃剩的食物抛之脑后了
  [03:32.88]Jellybeans! 软心豆粒糖!
  [03:33.16]-BLT. -Doughnuts. - 三味三明治 - 炸面包圈
  [03:34.36]Awesome. 太惊人了
  [03:36.72]Pie. 派
  [03:39.84]Gummi bears. 橡胶熊
  [03:41.76]-Fish. -Crème br?lée! - 鱼 - 焦糖奶油布丁
  [03:45.48]A pizza stuffed inside a turkey... 塞有油炸火鸡,火鸡还要蘸满巧克力
  [03:47.88]...the whole thing deep-fried and dipped in chocolate. 的披萨
  [03:49.88]It's me, the mayor. 是我,镇长
  [03:53.76]You look different. 你看起来不一样了
  [03:53.92]Did you get a new haircut? 你换了新发型?
  [03:55.64]Yes, I did. Thank you for noticing. 是啊,谢谢关心
  [04:06.04]-I love you. -Thanks, Dad. I love you. - 我爱你 - 谢谢爸爸,我也爱你
  [04:07.08]-I love you. -Thanks, Dad. I love you. - 我爱你 - 谢谢爸爸,我也爱你
  [04:10.88]I love spending time with you, Dad. 我爱与你在一起,爸爸
  [04:14.04]Hey, Dad, I'm headed back to the lab. 嘿,老爸,我要回实验室了
  [04:19.28]lf you wanna come, I could show you how I make the food. 你想来的话 我可以给你看看我是怎么制造食物的
  [04:21.60]No, thanks. 不,谢了
  [04:25.28]That techno-food, it's too complicated for an old fisherman. 科技研究食品,对一个老渔农来说太复杂了
  [04:28.52]Got it. 知道了
  [04:33.72]Could still use your help around here, though, you know. 能否继续在这儿帮忙,尽管,你知道
  [04:36.00]I'm working with the mayor now, Dad. 我与镇长一起工作了,老爸
  [04:38.36]I mean, the town's grand reopening is in, like, a week. 我的意思是,镇子,好像,一周内就会重开
  [04:42.68]Right. Got it. 行,知道了
  [04:51.60]Flint Lockwood? Flint Lockwood?
  [04:54.48]Yeah? 是我
  [04:57.88]It's my son Cal's birthday tomorrow... 明天是我儿子Cal的生日
  [04:58.64]...and I was just wondering if you could make it rain something special. 我想知道你可否下点特殊的东西
