听电影学英语-美食从天而降 10(在线收听

  [00:01.58]-Sign my shrimp. -Thank you. - 给我的虾签名吧 - 谢谢
  [00:02.78]-Yeah. Yeah. -I love you. - 耶,耶 - 我爱你
  [00:06.38]I admire your quirkiness, dude. 我赞赏你的离奇,老兄
  [00:06.70]Brent, we're gonna need you to hand over the ceremonial scissors. Brent,你要交出仪式用的剪刀
  [00:11.66]But-- 但是
  [00:14.30]-You can't. You can't take them. No. -Here you go. - 你不能,你不能拿走,不 - 给你
  [00:15.46]No. 不
  [00:17.78]I'm Baby Brent. 我是婴儿Brent
  [00:23.38]Put your clothes back on. 穿上衣服
  [00:27.98]Who am l? 我是谁?
  [00:29.54]Go ahead, Flint. 继续,Flint
  [00:32.74]Everybody loves you. 所有人都爱你
  [00:37.02]Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood!Lockwood!Lockwood!
  [00:39.50]Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood!Lockwood!Lockwood!
  [01:15.66]Danger. Danger. Danger. 危险,危险,危险
  [01:21.62]Salt-and-pepper wind? 盐椒风?
  [01:24.50]Oregano. 牛至
  [01:43.10]Sam, wait. No, I can turn it off. Sam,等等,不,我可以把它关了
  [01:52.74]I can turn it off. 我可以把它关了
  [02:06.46]All right, kid, it's all gonna be okay. 好了,孩子,会没事的
  [02:12.42]Oh, no. 哦,不
  [02:17.78]-Pardon me. -Pardon me. - 原谅我 - 原谅我
  [02:19.26]-Excuse me. -No problem. - 对不起 - 没问题
  [02:26.06]No. 不
  [02:35.38]-Gummi Bears. -Not now, Steve. - 橡胶熊 - Steve,现在不行
  [02:43.62]Condiments? Salt? Pepper? 调味料?盐?胡椒?
  [02:50.10]Flint. Flint
  [02:55.06]This is Sam Sparks, live from Chew And Swallow... 我是Sam Sparks 从Chew和Swallow现场直播
  [02:59.06]...where a spaghetti twister-- 这儿有个意大利面龙卷风
  [02:59.62]Sam, hey, we love a good storm over here, but you look like a nerd. Sam,嘿,我们都爱那儿的好风暴 但你看起来真像个讨厌鬼
  [03:05.10]Patrick, several children are stranded in the path of this tomato tornado. 有几个孩子在西红柿龙卷风行进路线上卡住了
  [03:08.26]My tummy hurts. 我胃疼
  [03:14.14]What is that, a scrunchie? I haven't seen one of those since 1995. 那是什么,束发圈?1995年后我就再没见过了
  [03:18.06]What? We have an actual weather emergency. 什么?实际上这儿有突发天气情况
  [03:21.30]Well, we'll get right back to that storm... 好了,我们马上转回到龙卷风
  [03:23.82]...and hopefully Sam'll look a little more appealing. .顺便希望Sam能看起来好点
  [03:32.62]Steve, we just have to upload the kill code and then we'll shut down the-- Steve,我们要上传毁灭指令 这样就可以停下
  [03:38.18]I've been ordering dinner for the last 10 minutes. 我为下十分钟订餐呢
  [03:38.54]What are you doing here? 你在这干什么?
  [03:41.90]-ls something going on? -I've gotta stop the machine. - 有什么事吗? - 我要把机器停下了
  [03:43.30]Everyone's in danger because of me. 因为我所有人都处在危险中
  [03:46.78]Oh, it can't be that bad. 哦,不可能有那么糟糕吧
  [03:50.62]-No. -Well, I'm out of here. - 不 - 好了,我要走了
  [03:52.94]I can still stop the order with the kill code. 我可以用毁灭指令停下这个命令
  [03:56.82]-Sending kill code. -I'm back. - 发送毁灭指令 - 我回来了
  [04:02.30]Got to get the button. 按下按钮
  [04:04.98]Play. Fun. Fun. Play. 玩,有趣有趣,玩
  [04:07.06]Hey, Flint. It's been nice to beet you. 嘿,Flint,看我用甜菜扁你
  [04:10.82]That's a radish. 那是个萝卜
  [04:35.46]That was the only way to communicate with the machine. 这是与机器联络的唯一方法
  [04:39.54]What exactly did you order? 你到底下了什么命令?
  [04:41.14]A Vegas-style all-you-can-eat buffet. 拉斯维加斯式的自助餐
  [04:47.42]Jellybean. Watermelon. Marshmallow. Pretzel. Sushi. 豆心软糖,西瓜 药属葵蜜饯,脆饼干,寿司
  [04:53.14]Cheeseburger. Pretzel. Egg salad. Strawberry. Marshmallow. 乳酪三明治,脆饼干,鸡蛋色拉,草莓,药属葵蜜饯
