听电影学英语-美国颂歌 03(在线收听

  [00:02.02]- Most important since Nixon. - Nixon? - 而且是自尼克松以来最重要的一次 - 尼克松?
  [00:05.70]Total dork president from around the Civil War. 那个在南北战争中的蠢蛋总统
  [00:07.38]All the most important progressive organizations 所有的重要的进步组织
  [00:10.70]So far, People For The Anti-American Way, 目前为止,组织有 ”反美之路“
  [00:11.10]will be represented. Jane? 都会出席吗,Jane?
  [00:16.42]Vegans Against Fur, Man-boy Love Boat, ”素食者拒绝皮草“ “男生最爱是船舶”
  [00:19.34]Potawamie Casino, Church of Entitlement, ”Potawamie赌场“ ”权利教堂“
  [00:22.62]And... it's still early. 还有,其实还早
  [00:22.78]- and, um... - And? - 还有 - 还有什么?
  [00:25.38]The rally's Sunday! 但周日就要开始了!
  [00:26.78]Don't worry, we'll get more. 别着急,我们会找到更多的
  [00:28.14]We're not shaving till they bring the troops home. 如果他们不把军队撤回 我们就一直不剃胡子
  [00:32.82]- Thank you, boys. - They're women. - 小伙子,谢谢 - 她们是女的
  [00:36.70](Malone) Right. 没错
  [00:37.98]Like all of us. 和我们一样
  [00:39.62]We have to ban military recruiters from college campuses. They interfere... 我们必须在校园里禁止所有的征兵活动 他们干预了...
  [00:45.34]Oh. Are you here to join Sailors Against War? 你是打算加入“反战水手团”吗?
  [00:46.26]Excuse me. 打扰一下
  [00:48.06]No, uh, I think all sailors are against war, 不,我觉得所有的海军都是反战的
  [00:50.70]but sometimes we have to fight. 但有时我们不得不作战
  [00:53.98]No. Those guns come in handy when we do fight. 不,那些枪支在我们作战时还是很好用的
  [00:54.34]Soldiers Against Guns? “大兵反对枪支”?
  [00:57.22]The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Brigade? “不问不答团” (一个保证军队中同性恋士兵利益的条文)
  [01:01.26]No, uh, please. 不是
  [01:01.86]I'm just here looking for my uncle. His name is... Oh. 我来这里是来找我叔叔的 他的名字是
  [01:04.74]- Uncle Michael, hey. - Huh? Josh? - Michael叔叔,嘿! - 嘿,Josh?
  [01:11.78]Hey. This is my... nephew. 这是我侄子
  [01:16.90]Josh. He's, uh... Josh,他是个...
  [01:19.98]What are you doin' here? 你来这里干嘛?
  [01:20.66]I came here to invite you to our Fourth of July barbecue, 我来邀请你参加我们独立日的烧烤
  [01:25.30]like I do every year. 我们每年都有
  [01:27.62]Well, that's very nice of you... again, but I'm a little busy here. 谢谢,但我现在很忙诶
  [01:30.98]"Abolish July 4th." Are you kidding? 废除独立日?你在搞笑吗?
  [01:36.58]that's caused oppression and terror all over the world? 充满恐怖和压迫的国家的生日呢
  [01:38.86]Is that how he felt? 他也是这么想的?
  [01:40.66]He was a war hero. P. T. 109. 他是个战争英雄 PT109(肯尼迪海军服役时的巡逻艇)
  [01:45.10]He would've come around. If he were alive today, 如果他没死的话,他也许会来
  [01:47.18]this Sunday, he'd be marchin' with us in solidarity. 本周日,他会和我们一起肩并肩参加游行的
  [01:49.66]Uncle Michael, I realize how strongly you feel, Michael叔叔 我意识到你现在很激动
  [01:52.38]- but Lily and I just... - (mice squeaking) 但我和Lily
  [01:56.46]We won't be going too late. 我们不会走得太晚(分开)
  [01:57.06]A lot of our guests are going to the Trace Adkins concert. 我们不少客人会去Trace Adkins演唱会
  [02:03.22]- Who's Trace Adkins? - I'm good. - Trace Adkins是谁? - 我不吃
  [02:06.38]He's a big country music star. 他是个乡村音乐歌星
  [02:08.66]Maybe not in New York, but in the rest of the country. 也许在纽约他不是 但在其他地方他可红了
  [02:10.74]Country music doesn't speak to me. 我不怎么喜欢乡村音乐
  [02:12.74]Not just because the music's awful or the lyrics are stupid, 不仅仅是因为曲调很烂 或是歌词很蠢
  [02:16.54]or everybody dresses like that cowboy from the Village People. 或者是人人穿的像个乡下的农民
  [02:18.70]- How's little Billy? - Timmy. - Billy现在怎样? - Timmy
  [02:22.90]Not very well, I'm afraid, but he's got great spirit. 恐怕不怎么乐观 但他心气很足
  [02:26.18]- He'd love to see you. - Well, maybe I'll stop by next week. - 他想看看你 - 行,我下周可能去看他
  [02:29.66]- Oh, little Jimmy. - Timmy. - 可怜的Jimmy - 是Timmy
  [02:30.14]It'll probably be too late. 他恐怕熬不了那么久
  [02:35.34]No. He'll probably still be around, but... 不,他可能还在我们身边,但...
  [02:37.78]I'm shipping out to the Persian Gulf Sunday night. 我周日晚上就要出发去波斯湾了
  [02:39.58]Well, can't you get out of it? 你就非得去吗?
  [02:43.34]I want to go. It's my duty. 我想去,这是我的职责
  [02:46.74]I don't get it. How can you be related to me? 我就搞不懂了 你怎么会是我亲戚呢?
  [02:48.14]Mr. Malone, your 1:00 is here with people from Abolish The Military. Malone先生,和你预约1点钟的 “废除军队”成员已经到了
  [02:55.78]Well, I guess I got some work to do. 那我先去忙了
  [02:58.70]Well, you're invited in case you change your mind. 你如果改变主意了,你可以来的
  [03:00.54]Uncle Michael, I came here in good spirits, Michael叔叔 我可是怀着好心情来这里的
  [03:01.98]Right. Sure. 好的
  [03:04.02]and I don't want to let anything change that. 而且我不想让任何事情改变这一点
  [03:08.02]Happy Fourth of July, everyone, and God bless America! 独立日快乐,天佑美国
  [03:09.38](Josh)? My country, 'tis of thee ∮ My country,'tis of thee ∮ 我的国家,美国
  [03:13.70]? Sweet land of... ∮ Sweet land of... ∮ 充满自由的...
  [03:15.26]? Liberty ∮ Liberty ∮ 美好地方
  [03:16.06]? Lighted up by the rockets in the air... ∮ Lighted up by the rockets in the air...∮ 火箭照亮夜空
  [03:19.46]- (kids shouting) - Grandpa, get back to the story! 爷爷,接着讲故事嘛
  [03:20.74]I've never left it. 我一直在讲啊
  [03:25.50](Jazz music playing)
  [03:34.62]I'm meeting my agent, Todd Grosslight. 我来见我的代理人Todd Grosslight
  [03:38.74]I'm sorry, sir, but gentlemen are required to wear a jacket. 先生,不好意思 所有男士要求穿正装
  [03:39.14]Oh, yes. 是的
  [03:42.98]Look, don't you know who I am? 你没认出我是谁吗?
  [03:43.90]I'm Michael Malone. 我是Michael Malone
  [03:47.06]Well, then perhaps a shower as well. 也许你还得去洗个澡
  [03:50.26]What the hell? I didn't make the top 10? That's impossible! 有没有搞错?我竟然没排进前十名 这怎么可能啊?
  [03:54.46]Apparently, the people who like your movies don't actually go to movies. 显然那些喜欢你电影的人 根本就没去电影院
  [03:57.94]No one wants to see Americans screwed by foreigners, except in porn. 除了爱情动作片 没人喜欢看美国人被外国人恶搞
  [04:03.10]I haven't done porn in years! 我不拍黄片好多年啦!
  [04:04.30]- (Music stops) - (Nervous chuckle)
  [04:08.26]- Anyway, I'm an Oscar-winning director. - For a documentary. Come on. - 无论如何,我可是得过奥斯卡最佳导演的 - 老兄,那可是纪录片
  [04:11.10]I know that. 我当然知道
  [04:15.42]I gotta do a feature like John Ford. 我应该像John Ford一样去拍个正经电影
  [04:15.78]That man was a true filmmaker. 那人才是个真正的电影人
  [04:18.10]The sweeping vision, the amazing panoramas of Monument Valley. 那快速的景象,惊人的Monument Valley全景 (犹他州的纪念谷地)
  [04:21.86]And soldiers were good guys. 而且那时候的军人都是好人
  [04:25.54]But you're leading a demonstration against our troops. 但你现在却在领导一场反对军人的示威
  [04:27.02]Oh, right, on the Fourth of July. 而且在独立日这天
  [04:29.70]- It's not against the troops. - Oh, save it for your crazies. - 这并不是反对军人 - 得了,少给我装疯卖傻
  [04:34.18]Look, Mikey, Mikey!听着
  [04:36.06]this is a fickle town. 这是一个善变的城市
  [04:39.06]See the maitre d' over there, huh? 看到那边的那个领班没?
  [04:41.74]Used to be recurring on Seinfeld. 他曾经在Seinfeld(宋飞传)中演过角色
  [04:46.22]Hey, call me. (laughs) 嘿!给我打电话!
  [04:48.14]Now, what is this feature you have in mind? 那你现在想拍什么样的电影呢?
  [04:50.82]It's a powerful drama about oppressed people adrift in a world gone mad. 一部讲述被压迫的人们 在一个发疯的世界中飘泊的深刻电影
  [04:55.38]Hmm! 它做到了在不直接反美的同时 反对了所有美国所赞同的东西
  [04:56.78]It's anti-everything-America-stands-for without being anti-American.
