听电影学英语-美国颂歌 10(在线收听

  [00:01.92](man) Is this a real sword? 这把刀是真的吗?
  [00:04.48]- (Man screams) - (Malone) Oh, my God. 天啊
  [00:05.28](Man 2) Yes. Be careful. 是真的,小心
  [00:06.36]I will ask the great leader Osama. 我会向伟大领袖Osama请示
  [00:09.16]She's an infidel. Cut off her head. 她是异教徒,快砍下她的头
  [00:13.56]- Aah! - And cut off her balls, too! - 啊! - 再砍下她的蛋蛋
  [00:14.12]- Yaah! Come back here! - No! Not me! Kill her! - 给我回来 - 不是杀我,杀她啊
  [00:18.92]- Death to the uncircumcised! - Asshole! - 异教徒给我去死 - 衰人
  [00:19.00]- This sword is heavy! - Just one second. - 这把剑可沉了 - 等等
  [00:22.60]Give him more lines. 给他加些台词吧
  [00:24.68]- Hey, isn't that...? - Yes, actor Akbar. - 那不就是... - 对啊,演员Akbar
  [00:27.04]Revered by all Americans. 受所有美国人尊重
  [00:27.84]This isn't that kind of movie. This is serious, for adults. Not entertainment. 这不是我想拍的电影 这是给成年人看的严肃电影,而不是娱乐片
  [00:34.40]- He will be hard to replace. - There is no replacing! - 他很难找到替代者的 - 这不是替换
  [00:37.00]This is about militants being held at Guantanamo without a lawyer! 这是关于一个没有律师的武装人员 在Guantanamo被非法关押的故事
  [00:39.68]Meryl Streep already did that! Meryl Streep已经拍过那片了
  [00:43.44]What about the Marine who rapes and murders an Iraqi family? 那拍一部关于海军陆战队成员 奸杀伊拉克家庭的电影如何?
  [00:46.96]Brian De Palma, straight to video. Brian De Palma已经拍过了
  [00:48.44]- (Clanging) - Lawyer who fights wiretapping. 反对政府窃听民众的ACLU律师?
  [00:49.44]Robert Redford. Robert Redford拍过了
  [00:50.72]Soldier who's forced to go back to Iraq! 被迫返回伊拉克的士兵?
  [00:52.88]- Has an Oscar buzz. - I want to see that! - 得过奥斯卡奖了 - 我想看那部片
  [00:55.96]- We'll see it Friday. - It's a date. - 周五我们去看 - 就这么定了
  [00:56.40](Groaning) 我知道 所有伟大的反美影片都已经被人拍过了
  [00:58.76]I know. All the really great anti-American films have been done.
  [01:01.16]No way we can compete with Hollywood studios. 我们是不可能和好莱坞的 电影制片厂竞争的
  [01:05.60](Man) Michael Malone? What are you doing here? Michael Malone? 你在这里干嘛?
  [01:06.60]- I'm directing this picture. - What? I don't do documentaries. - 我是导演 - 不会吧?我才不怕纪录片呢
  [01:12.08]- Malone! We're under attack! - (Malone) Now what? - Malone,我们被袭击了 - 又怎么了?
  [01:19.96](People screaming, horns honking)
  [01:21.84]- Come on! - Aah! 走啦
  [01:25.92]I don't see an attack. 我没看见有袭击啊
  [01:26.48]- A gun? I don't... - Fine. I know. Talk, don't shoot. - 枪?我不... - 好吧,你说话就行,不用开枪
  [01:29.36]Think of that as a talkin' stick. Let's go, men! 假装那是个用来说话的棍子 出发!
  [01:31.44]- (Malone) Where are we going?! - (Patton) Don't step in that! 我们去哪?
  [01:39.60](Malone) What's going on?! 怎么了?
  [01:40.80]Sons of bitches! Get the hell out of this courtroom! 婊子养的 给我从这法庭里滚出去
  [01:46.36]What?! You still can't... 但你还是不能...
  [01:50.28]Aah! Aah!
  [01:50.96]Oh! Aah!
  [01:57.44]- Fire at will, boys! - (Malone screaming) 自由开火
  [01:59.00]- (People screaming) - What's goin' on here? 这到底是怎么了?
  [02:02.76]ACLU. They come around every now and then. ACLU,他们隔一段时间就会来一次
  [02:04.68]No listenin' in on terrorists' calls. 现在想起来倾听恐怖分子的要求了?
  [02:07.76]Be nice to Al Qaeda. Read 'em their rights. 要对基地组织好一点 给他们宣读他们的权利
  [02:09.04](Lawyers grunting) 政教分离
  [02:11.64](Judge) Separation of church and state.
  [02:14.20]Aah! 听着,这些僵尸冷酷无情
  [02:16.28]I'll tell you one thing about the undead. They are relentless.
  [02:19.08]Gun control. That gets 'em a little riled up, too.
  [02:19.76]Aah! 枪支管制也把他们惹毛了
  [02:22.48]- (Gunshot) - Aah!
  [02:25.64]I think we could use gun control right about now! 我想我们现在就需要进行枪支管制!
  [02:27.84]Tell it to them. 跟他们说去
  [02:30.68]Aah! 试试看,可好玩了
  [02:32.20]Try it. It's fun.
  [02:35.48]- (Gunshot) - Whoa!
  [02:36.68]Try not to lead 'em so much next time. 下次别再让他们这样了
  [02:40.16]- Aah! - Aah!
  [02:41.24]What we're tryin' to do here, son, is protect the Ten Commandments. 我们在这里就是为了保卫十戒的
  [02:45.44]There's still five left. 那还有五个剩下嘛
  [02:47.92]Hey, judge! Is the "not killing" still up there? 法官!那个不杀人的小子还在那儿?
  [02:51.28]Aw, screw it! 算了
  [02:54.08]Aah! 枪支不是答案
  [02:55.36]- Guns are not the answer! - (Gunshot)
  [02:57.32]- Aah! - Nice shot. 好枪法
  [03:00.16]Oh, my God, what have I done? 天啊,我做了什么?
  [03:01.24]The first one's always the best. 第一个总是最好的
  [03:07.68](Both grunting) 好莱坞大导演!
  [03:10.04]不是,笨蛋! 他做纪录片!
  [03:12.96]OK, OK, give me that thing. 好吧,把枪给我
  [03:16.84]Ooh! 我打赌他们听到了
  [03:18.76]I bet they heard that.
  [03:19.20]Come on! They're on the subway! 走啦,他们在地铁里
  [03:23.12]Godspeed, General! 一路平安,将军!
  [03:34.04]I'll need to see your bag, please. 我需要检查你的包
  [03:41.28]This says we can't search their bags. 他说我们不可以查他的包
  [03:50.04]Thank Allah for the ACLU. 多亏了ACLU帮忙啊!
  [03:52.20]Now you are going to see the glory of jihad. 现在你们就要看到圣战的荣耀了
  [03:56.40]They're going to fly a subway into a building? 他们要通过地铁进入到建筑里?
  [03:59.08](Gunshots) 通过地铁进入到建筑
  [04:01.16]Subway into a building... hmm.
  [04:06.16]Well, now you've gone too far! You're against privacy rights, too? 你们太过火了 你们还侵犯了隐私权
  [04:09.12]Only when they interfere with survival rights. 只是因为它们侵犯了生存权
  [04:17.48]Enjoy your privacy rights in hell. 在地狱里去享受你的隐私权吧
  [04:22.72]The Patriot Act is spoiling everything. 爱国者法案真是误事啊
  [04:25.60]I can't believe I lent Fayed my backpack. 我不敢相信我把背包借给Fayed了
  [04:31.48]- (Clanging) - (Screaming)
  [04:32.40]Sir, we are ready to do our duty. 长官,我们做好准备履行我们的职责了
  [04:35.84]Your job is to pick up the three all-access media passes 你们需要从那个异教徒导演那里
  [04:38.72]from the infidel director. 获得三个无限制媒体通行证
  [04:41.24]As America watches that concert on TV, 所有在电视上观看那场演唱会的美国人
  [04:43.28]they will see the power of jihad. 都会见识到圣战的威力
  [04:47.68]You are going to blow up Madison Square Garden? 你想把Madison花园广场给炸了?
  [04:49.20]When that roof collapses 当那个屋顶倒塌在 两万美军和他们家属身上的时候
  [04:52.08]on 20,000 American soldiers and their families,
  [04:54.28]we will be held as martyrs throughout the Arab world. 我们会被阿拉伯世界尊为烈士
  [04:56.16]But we will be dead. 但我们会死啊
