听电影学英语-美国颂歌 13(在线收听

  [00:02.92]Oh. You look terrible. 你气色真不好
  [00:04.40]But you always look terrible. 但你一直就这德性
  [00:05.32]Now come on. Millions of people are counting on you. 走啦 几百万人正等着你呢
  [00:08.08](Chanting) We love Michael Malone! 我们爱Michael Malone!
  [00:10.36]We love Michael Malone! 我们爱Michael Malone!
  [00:12.44]You gotta do the right thing. 该做出正确的决定了
  [00:17.32](Protesters) We don't care how! Leave now! We don't care how! 不管怎样,现在撤军!
  [00:18.40]Leave now! We don't care how! 不管怎样,现在撤军!
  [00:20.28](Chant continues)
  [00:30.32](Ahmed) Director Akbar! Akbar导演!
  [00:36.20]Oh, yeah, uh, enjoy the, uh, demonstration. 当然 祝你们在示威中玩的愉快哦
  [00:39.96]- Thank you. - Mr. Malone, Mr. Malone! - 谢了 - Malone先生,Malone先生
  [00:43.16]What is your message to the troops 你想对那些参加独立日演唱会的 士兵说些什么吗?
  [00:44.48]who have come for the Fourth of July concert?
  [00:45.24]Uh... uh... uh...
  [00:49.56](Heather) Give me that! 我来
  [00:49.72]We're not gonna celebrate a country that sends soldiers to fight. 我们不会支持一个把自己的军队送去 海外打仗国家的国庆节!
  [00:54.60]That's what Michael is here to say. Come on. Everyone's waiting. 那就是Michael想说的话 走吧,大家都等着呢
  [00:56.48]Introduce Jimmy Carter and make a speech. 介绍一下Jimmy Carter(美国前总统) 然后做一个演讲
  [00:59.16]- (Chanting) Bring troops home! - Michael Malone will be here soon! - 马上撤军! - Michael Malone马上就要来了!
  [01:03.76]Feel free to just wander on up here. 大家上来随便走走
  [01:04.52]And here's former President Jimmy Carter! 下面欢迎前总统Jimmy Carter!
  [01:07.84]Israel is an apartheid state. 以色列是个种族隔离的国家
  [01:09.20]Uh, high taxes are good for you. 高税率对你们是有好处的
  [01:13.80](Woman) And after him, Michael Malone is gonna be here! 在他之后 Michael Malone将会登场
  [01:16.16]Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom. 我要去下洗手间
  [01:25.28]What am I gonna do? They're gonna kill me! 我该怎么办 他们会杀了我的
  [01:30.88]You spineless bastard, act like a man. 没骨气的杂种,你要像个男人一样
  [01:34.36]Why'd you do that? I was gonna do something. 你干嘛抽我? 我正准备做点什么呢
  [01:35.76]I just don't know what. Aah! 我只是不清楚该做什么
  [01:39.36]You can't sit here on the sidelines. It's time to take action. 你不能坐在角落里等着 你需要拿出行动来
  [01:41.64]I'm considering getting another hero. 我想再找一个英雄来
  [01:45.40]Aah! 你在这干嘛呢? 你又不是个灵魂
  [01:46.80](Malone) Hey! What are you doin' here? You're not a spirit.
  [01:49.88]I know. I just enjoy slapping you. 我知道,我只是喜欢抽你罢了
  [01:51.68]- Aah! - Listen to yourself! - 啊! - 听着!
  [01:54.96]The time has come to forget about the consequences and show courage! 到了拿出勇气以及忘掉后果的时候了
  [01:58.04]You know what courage is? 你知道勇气是什么吧?
  [01:58.48]You mean, like the lion in The Wizard Of Oz? 像绿野仙踪里的狮子?
  [02:02.56]I had a more heroic reference in mind, 我本来有个更加英雄的例子
  [02:04.56]but if The Wizard Of Oz works for you, well, OK. 但如果绿野仙踪管用的话也行
  [02:05.96]You know, is it possible for me to get a little privacy in here? 我在这里能不能有点隐私?
  [02:10.24]We are facing the greatest evil since Nazism. 我们面对的是纳粹以来最强大的邪恶力量
  [02:12.32](Patton) What are you talking about? 你到底在说什么啊?
  [02:15.28]To assure there will be no more war, I've taken the liberty 为了保证以后没有战争
  [02:35.36]OK, stop! I'll do it. 够了,我去
  [02:40.88]Thank you, thank you. 谢谢,谢谢
  [02:41.04](Carter) Oh, look, here he is now, 看,他来了
  [02:44.84]a true heavyweight of the movement, 我们的关键人物
  [02:46.72]our brother, Michael Malone! 好兄弟Michael Malone
  [02:51.92]Ah... whoo.
  [02:52.80]Ah, thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢
  [02:56.28]Uh, I know what you all think is important. 我知道在你们心中什么最重要
  [02:59.52]Government-run health care. 国有医保系统
  [03:03.04]Global warming. 全球变暖
  [03:06.04]No handguns allowed in your home. 限制枪支
  [03:09.20]And these things are all vital. 这些都很重要
  [03:14.36]But they all come second to the most important thing of all. 但和最重要的事情比起来 它们的优先级要往后排
  [03:18.56]We're in a real war, people. 我们在一场真正的战争中
  [03:20.60]These terrorists want to kill us all, 那些恐怖分子想杀光我们
  [03:22.88]and you're acting like it's September 10th. 而你们和911前没什么两样
  [03:28.76](Crowd booing)
  [03:29.68]Traitor! 叛徒!
  [03:38.88]Where'd you get that?! 你哪找的这玩意?
  [03:45.48]Aah! 等等 谢谢你们
  [03:48.24]Hang on a second! Thanks, guys. Aah!
  [03:50.96]Oh, please! I don't blame you for wantin' to water-board me 求求你们,我不会因为你们想把我 关在中情局的水牢里而责怪你们
  [03:55.60]in a secret CIA prison, but I've changed! 但我变了
  [03:58.12]- We're trying to protect you. - Well, thank you for bein' here. - 我们是在保护你 - 谢谢你们
  [03:59.48]Don't thank us. Thank the recruiter that came to our campus. 别谢我们 谢那个来我们学校征兵的工作人员吧
  [04:04.08]What? You guys went to college? 什么?你们原来是大学生?
  [04:08.44](Announcer) And now, folks, give a big New York City welcome to... 纽约的朋友们,大家热烈欢迎...
  [04:14.08]...Whiskey Falls! Whiskey Falls!(乡村音乐歌手)
  [04:16.32](Fireworks exploding)
  [04:16.40](? Whiskey Falls: Hellbilly)
  [04:20.16]He was supposed to wait to detonate his bombs. 他应该等一下再引爆他的炸弹
  [04:20.68]Poor Aziz. 可怜的Aziz
  [04:25.12]Hey, let's get hot dogs and go see the show. 我们去吃些热狗 然后再去看表演吧
  [04:25.52]What a wanker. 真是个傻叉
  [04:31.40]After we blow ourselves up. 我们完成自杀爆炸之后再吃吧
  [04:31.88]After the bombs go off, I will personally kill you. 在炸弹爆炸后 我要亲手宰了你
  [04:36.88]I can live with that. 可以啊
  [04:37.64](Song continues)
  [04:46.68]Hey! Hey, it's that Michael Malone! 看,那是Michael Malone
  [04:49.20]Oh, hey! 嘿!
  [04:52.60]This is for people who support our troops. 这是为支持军队的人准备的音乐会
  [04:53.48]You hate country music. What are you doin' here? 你不喜欢乡村音乐 你来这里干嘛?
  [04:56.24]I had no choice. 我别无选择啊
  [04:59.12]I was about to be beaten by peace marchers! 我差点就要被和平示威者给打死了
