听电影学英语-当风吹起的时候 09(在线收听

  [00:01.80]We should be all right with that lot looking after us, eh, ducks? 在他们的关照下,我们会没事的,是吗,宝贝儿?
  [00:07.08]Well, it didn't stop them from bombing us, did it? 嗯,这也不能阻止他们轰炸我们啊,不是吗?
  [00:08.32]Oh er... well, no er... I suppose not, really. 哦,呃...好吧,不能,呃...我希望可以,真的。
  [00:13.88]Still, just think, it might have been worse. 可是,想想吧,事情可能会更糟呢。
  [00:17.68]Got to look on the bright side, ducks. 记得要看事物的光明面,宝贝儿。
  [00:18.00]Besides, another thing the powers that be have created is called M.A.D. 而且,权力可能衍生的另一个产物是M.A.D。
  [00:25.00]M.A.D. Mutal Assured Destruction. M.A.D是指共同信仰的毁灭。
  [00:25.20]- Mad? - Yes, M.A.D. -疯狂? -嗯,M.A.D。
  [00:28.96]I read about it in the public library. 我在图书馆看到过相关内容。
  [00:31.44]I think my old dad was in the Mutual Assured Insurance. 我想我的老爸曾处于共同信仰被毁灭的情绪里。
  [00:35.72]- A penny a week it was, in those days. - This isn't insurance, ducks. -那时候,每周仅有一便士的生活确实能够把人毁掉。 -这不是保险金,宝贝儿。
  [00:39.72]I think it covered the cost of the funeral. 我以为它还包含了丧葬费用。
  [00:41.60]Yes, well, I suppose this is similar. 是的,好吧,我假设它们比较相似。
  [00:45.36]It all comes out of our taxes. 羊毛出在羊身上。
  [00:47.52]He had a lovely funeral, our dad. 我们的老爸,他的葬礼非常风光。
  [00:50.88]You don't pay any taxes now. You're retired, James. 你现在不必交税了,你已经退休了,James。
  [00:53.72]No, I'm fully paid up. 不,我仍然在持续交税。
  [00:55.88]My funeral is fully assured. 我的葬礼是被全额保险了的。
  [00:57.64]Time we went to bed. 是睡觉的时间了。
  [01:00.12]It's getting dark. 天黑了。
  [01:02.28]I'll sleep in my clothes. It's an all-out war situation. 我就这么和衣睡着吧,现在是全力以赴的战时状态。
  [01:07.84]I might be called out in the night for an emergency. 如果遇到紧急情况,可能会半夜把我征集去呢。
  [01:10.52]They may need all able-bodied men at short notice. 在短时警告里,部队可能需要健全的男人。
  [01:13.20]HILDA: They'll soon change their minds when they see your pot-bellied little body. 当他们看到你的啤酒肚,立马就会打消这个念头的。
  [01:20.80]Morning, dear. 早啊,亲爱的。
  [01:23.96]- How do you feel? - (Yawns) Oh, dear. -你感觉如何? -(打了个呵欠)哦,亲爱的。
  [01:27.80]- I ache all over. - So do I. -我浑身上下痛了一整晚。 -我也是。
  [01:31.96]I've got a terrific headache. 我的头疼的非常厉害。
  [01:34.96]Oh... I still feel so tired. 噢...我还是觉得很累很累。
  [01:39.24]Never mind, ducks. It's probably shock. The bomb, an' that.这可能是炸弹的冲击波引起的,对吧。 别担心,宝贝儿。
  [01:41.00]Oh, it's bound to upset us a bit. 噢,这让我们有点困扰。
  [01:43.16]After all, you don't get a nuclear bomb every day of the week, do you? 不管怎样,这一周里任何一天,你都没遇上核炸弹,对吗?
  [01:49.52]HILDA: Just as well. Never knew a bomb could give you headaches. 幸好。从来没听说过一种炸弹能引发头疼的。
  [01:50.00]Oh, yes, ducks. I told you these bombs have a terrific effect on all sorts of things. 哦,是啊,宝贝儿。我告诉过你,这些炸弹能在一切东西上起非常可怕的作用。
  [01:56.88](Yawns) Right. A nice cup of tea will perk you up. (打呵欠)是吧。一杯好茶能让你振作起来。
  [02:14.80]Funny. They've cut the water off. 有意思。他们把停止供水了。
  [02:19.52]JIM: Still, that's logical. It might be contaminated. 然而,这是必然的。水源可能受到污染了。
  [02:22.52]It's a wise precaution for the protection of the population. 这可真是一项聪明的预防措施啊,可以保护人们。
  [02:25.68]Use the bottles, dear. 用瓶子里的水,亲爱的。
  [02:27.84]Oh, yes, of course. The emergency reserve supplies. 哦,是啊,当然。那是为紧急情况而储备的。
  [02:32.48]Most of them seem to have been broken in the blast, dear. 大部分瓶子都被冲击波击破了,亲爱的。
  [02:37.68]The contents have been dissipated. 水都流走了。
  [02:41.76]Funny. The electric's off, too. 真有意思,电源也被切断了。
  [02:45.36]Still, bound to be. 还是必须的呀。
  [02:47.20]Conservation of energy resources. 这是一种能源管理措施。
  [02:49.36]A wise governmental precaution during the period of national emergency. 在国家紧急情况下,这是一项明智的政府性预防措施。
  [02:51.76]Good job we've got that little picnic stove, eh, dear? 幸好我们带了野餐炉,嗯,亲爱的?
  [02:53.64]Are there any aspirins? 还有阿司匹林么?
  [02:55.32]- Mind it doesn't pop, James. I can't... (Stove pops) -别以为它不会出状况,James。我不能...(炉子砰的爆裂)
  [03:01.68]...bear it when it pops. ...确定什么时候它会出状况。
  [03:04.08]Mm! 唔!
  [03:06.24](Chuckles) Nothing like a cup of tea, hm? (大笑)什么也比不上一杯茶,嗯?
  [03:10.84]Crumbs! I must be dreaming. 哎呀!我一定是在做梦。
  [03:12.08]- The news! We're just in time. (Switches radio on) -新闻时间了!我们刚刚赶得上。(打开收音机)
  [03:16.88]No. Nothing. There's nothing. 不会吧。没有,什么都没有。
  [03:19.64]- What about the telly? - Yes, of course. -看看电视呢? -嗯,好的。
  [03:20.20]All dead. 坏了。
  [03:22.16]They may have filmed it all. 可能整个事件都已经被拍成电影了也说不定。
  [03:30.48]We may see our bomb on the news. 我们可以在新闻画面里看到炸弹。
  [03:36.20](Switches TV on) - No. All dead. (打开电视)也没有,全坏了。
  [03:39.24]- No picture? - No. -没有画面? -没有。
  [03:42.52]- Not even just the voices? - No! Nothing. -连声音也没有? -没有,什么都没有。
  [03:45.04]- All dead. - All dead? -全坏了。 -全坏了?
  [03:47.96]- We'll have to wait for the paper. - There should be some good pictures. -那我们只好等着报纸的消息了。 -也许有些好照片也说不定。
  [03:52.24]These bombs are quite spectacular. 这些炸弹的威力真是惊人呀。
  [03:54.40]- He's late already. - Yes, well, that's logical. -投递员晚了。 -嗯,是的,这也是合理的。
  [03:56.76]There's bound to be delays and shortages during the period of national emergency. 服务延期和物资短缺总是和国家紧急情况联系在一起的。
  [04:02.28]I'll miss the serial on Woman's Hour. It was just getting interesting. 我会错过“女性时间”的连续剧的。它才刚刚开始有点意思。
  [04:11.52]Crumbs! I haven't tried the transistor. (Chuckles) 哎呀!我没试试电晶体。(大笑)
  [04:14.92]No. Seems to have packed up. 不用了。看来我们最好把东西都打包收拾好。
  [04:17.92]Or probably needs new batteries. 也许新的战斗就快开始了。
  [04:19.12]Yes, I must pop down to Willis's. 是啊,我得去一下Willis商店。
  [04:22.24]They are a price these days. 最近他们都在涨价。
  [04:24.60]97p last time. Just fancy! 上次花了97镑,太贵了!
  [04:28.08]We ought to get one of these new hi-fis when your endowment policy comes up. 我们改在你的保险捐赠到期前再买一套Hi-Fi。
  [04:32.44]Oh, yes. Or a stereo. I've only got two years to go. 哦,对啊。或者买一套环绕音箱。我只剩两年时间来处理它了。
  [04:36.64]- I hope Ron and Beryl got back all right. - Oh, yes, they'll be all right. -我希望Ron和Beryl回去的路上一切都好。 -哦,是啊,他们会没事的。
  [04:43.04]- Our Ron's a very careful driver. - I didn't mean the driving so much, dear. -我们的Ron是个非常谨慎的司机。 -我不仅仅是指驾驶技术,亲爱的。
  [04:45.64]More the bomb. 更担心轰炸的事情。
  [04:48.40]I'll give them a ring. 我去给他们打个电话。
  [04:49.64]Hello? Hello? Hello? 喂?喂?喂?
  [04:53.76]No, it's not even ringing. 不,居然响都没响一下。
  [04:54.32]Oh, I expect the lines are down. 哦,估计线路断了吧。
  [04:56.48]JIM: They say there are red-hot winds of 500 miles an hour. 他们说那儿有炽热的风以每小时500里的速度吹过。
