音乐咖啡厅:Same Difference - I Need A House(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Same Difference - I Need A House

相关介绍:如果大家看过英国著名选秀节目“The X Factor”2007年第四季度的比赛,一定会对Same Difference这对组合印象深刻。Sean和Sarah Smith这对亲兄妹用他们无可复制的活力激情征服了全场观众同时也最终获得了评委的认可。哥哥Sean1985年出生,比妹妹Sarah大三岁,17岁的Sean为了心中的美好理想早早踏上了寻梦的旅程,最开始曾在游轮上表演过。妹妹Sarah十六岁离开家独立闯荡,曾做过模特,但就像Sarah自己说的那样,唱歌才是她最大的爱好。后来兄妹俩一起在当地的养老院锻炼演出技能,积累了不少经验。


Song:I Need A House
Artist:Same Difference

Finding me, finding truth
Finding love in a changing world
Finding peace, in simplicity
Finding out where I come from

Finding curage, finding faith
Finding acceptance in a narrow space
Finding time, when time has gone
Finding out what's going on

I need a house, I need a room
I need a bed to sleep in
I need a coffee and a kitchen sink
I need a friend, I need a love,
I need someone Who'll miss me
When I get home
Don't wanna be all alone
Finding the gate, finding the door
finding the streets I used to walk before
When I was free, when I could see
When I was crazy
I wish somebody told me

I need a house, I need a room
I need a bed to sleep in
I need a coffee and a kitchen sink
I need a friend, I need a love,
I need someone Who'll miss me
When I get home
Don't wanna be all alone

I wonder, what about reality
I wonder who'll be starting at me
When I look into my mirror

mmm mmm mmm
mmm mmm mmm
mmm mmm mmm

I need a house, I need a room
(I need a bed to sleep in)
I need a coffee and a kitchen sink
I need a friend, I need a love,
I need someone Who'll miss me
When I get home
Don't wanna be all alone

I need a coffee and a kitchen sink
I need a friend, I need a love,
I need someone Who'll miss me
When I get home
Don't wanna be all alone ( I Need A House ! )

I Need A House !

I Need A House !

When I get home
Don't wanna be all alone
