访谈录 2011-02-05&02-08 2011奥斯卡花落谁家?(在线收听

It is the biggest morning in Hollywood, you know that, Sam.

I do.

And in just a few moments we’ll find out the nominees for the 83rd annual Academy Awards live at Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills. But first, the man of All Media, Chris Connelly is here with Sam, Juju and I. George is there in New York, uh… in Washington. Before the big announcement you have some predictions for us to see.

You know, I can’t do anything about the snow either. But I endorse the Kerry P… the Katie Perry choice as well. So I guess we’re done with that. Here is something to look for. Let’s see, if, for example, the Fighter, which we are gonna hear a lot about soon, will get four acting nominations. That doesn’t happen a whole lot. I think two are pretty much to be expected, three? likely, but four would really be something. So that would be pretty spectacular if we saw that happen. Will Annette Bening and Julianne Moore both get nominated for Best Actress for the same movie, the Kids Are All Right, that doesn’t happen very often. You are going back to something like The Turning Point before you see something like that before. So that could be really interesting as well. We’ll find out if that’s the case. And in a year where there are lots of great performances in the Best Actor category, who over the age of sixty will get nominated for Best Actor? There are a lot of young guys in there. Will we see anyone over sixty? Will we see two of them? Maybe we’ll just see one. Those are some of the things we’ll wait as we find out who the nominees will actually be. It’s gonna be a big morning for the Social Network, for the King’s Speech, for Black Swan, and for the Fighter. But how that all shakes out? We are just moments away from finding out.

Chris, hey Chris, how about Toy Story 3? I think that’s my favorite movie of the year.

Toy Story 3 I think is likely to get best picture nominations. George, I think it’s also likely to get maybe a screenplay nomination. Would it be in play for best picture? That’s probably unlikely. Animated films don’t seem to get that kind of attention. And of course it will get nominated for Best Animated Features as well. So I figure maybe three, possibly four nominations for Toy Story 3.

And for the second year been in a row, we’re seeing ten “nos” for Best Picture?

That’s right. And preferential voting is well, as the way Oscars do it. That means you list one two three four…and that perhaps could have an influence on who winds up winning Best Picture at the end of the day. So we’ll see.

And ultimately it will be a fight… face-off rather between Facebook maybe and the Fighter?

It could be. I think definitely we are gonna see the King’s speech in there. There was a big surprise when we saw the Producers Guild coming for the King’s Speech. I thought the King’s Speech had to win the Golden Globe so it will be a viable candidate for Best Picture. When the Producers Guild comes in and gives that the Award, that’s big news.

So, I’m gonna ask you again. In the lead-in the shows that lead up to the Oscars, do we get, you know, when we are filling out our cards for, let’s say, an informal poll, does that, does that give us a hint as to what the Oscars will do necessarily or not?

You have to think it does give you a hint. But remember a lot of those are critics. We don’t really know what the Academy thinks yet. And that’s what makes this moment so surprising. We think we know what’s gonna happen, but there are always a few surprises that we just haven’t seen come.

You have your car pulled out there in D.C. George, all set?

No, we are getting it ready today. One another question for Chris. What about James Franco? Since he’s gonna be hosting, you think he’s got a good shot at calling out his own name?

Well, I don’t think, I don’t necessarily know that he’s gonna win the Best Actor, but he may be the first guy to be a co-host and get a nomination since Paul Hogan. Back in the days of Crocodile Dundee, he got a Best Screenplay nomination. So nothing like thinking about James Franco and Paul Hogan in the same sense. That hasn’t happened in a year. I’ll tell you that much.
