CNN 2011-05-03(在线收听

Alabama seems to be the hardest hit. We had lost lives in Mississippi and impacts in Georgia all way up in Virginia. So they are comparing these outbreaks to the 1974 super tornado outbreak. Unfortunately is now being reported to be close well over 200 and searching operation is still under way in Alabama and some the other areas.

Just in front of the café restaurant, which is called Ghana café, which is one of the most known restaurant on the Ghana, which is the most typical and most well-known place in the town. So What we can see from that restaurant is the explosion we can see. There are some doubt about decode of the explosion. It could be the terrorist attack.

I think the campaign has picked up somewhat over the last week of soul. They seem to be targeting those tanks and muti-launches in Misrata who have caused a lot of killing and lots of lives. But I think people are calling for the intensity of these attacks to be speeded up more so that they can totally protect the civilians and neutralize Gadaffi’s forces.

My name is Barrack Obama. I was born in Hawaii, the fiftieth state of the United States of America. No one checked my DNA but just in case.
