
  [00:00.00]Chapter 9  Database Management System
  [00:03.07]第九章     数据库管理系统
  [00:06.14]Dialogue  1
  [00:09.51]A:Hey ,Greg , Check out my new wallpaper!
  [00:15.36]I scanned a bunch of pictures from our trip to Hawaii last summer.
  [00:21.84]B:I like it .But it must take up a lot of memory.
  [00:26.85]A: It's not too bad , Besides I've got a 20 Gig hard drive.so I've got plenty of room
  [00:34.25]Dialogue  2
  [00:37.07]A:Something is wrong with my computer screen.
  [00:42.19]Everything looks yellow.
  [00:47.49]B:Try wiggling the cable that attaches it to your computer.
  [00:54.52]A: Hey , it worked!
  [00:56.97]B: Sometimes that happens when the cable gets old and the connection isn't as good.
  [01:05.02]Dilogue 3
  [01:09.04]A:I keep getting so much spam in my e-mail.
  [01:15.44]What can I do about it?
  [01:18.08]B: If your account has filters, you can block certain senders,or re-route mail with certain content to a different folder.
  [01:33.15]A:I think my account does have filters, I'll have to check that out.
  [01:40.18]Dialogue 4
  [01:43.55]A:  You're going to be gone for 3 weeks?
  [01:48.20]B:That's right.
  [01:50.84]A:You'll have a lot of e-mail to catch up with when you get back.
  [01:56.51]B:Actually, I'll have all my mail forwarded to a web-based account while I'm gone.
  [02:04.73]That way, I can keep up with it anywhere I can get on the Internet.
  [02:11.58]passage    Database Management System
  [02:16.78]professional Terms
  [02:20.25]administrator   n.
  [02:23.99]afford  vt.
  [02:26.81]appropriate   a.
  [02:30.10]cabinet   n.
  [02:33.76]comprehensive  a.
  [02:38.51]corporate  a.
  [02:41.99]cross-referenced  a.
  [02:46.19]extract vt.
  [02:50.29]folder   n.
  [02:53.77]item  n.
  [02:57.24]order  v.
  [03:00.98]participate  v.
  [03:05.26]payment  n.
  [03:09.18]picture  vt.
  [03:12.65]relevant   a.
  [03:16.49]request  n.
  [03:20.05]sort  vt.
  [03:23.52]specialist  n.
  [03:27.44]unpaid  a.
  [03:31.36]A database is a large group of stored, integrated ( cross-referenced )data.
  [03:38.38]usually organized in files that can be retrieved and manipulated to produce information.
  [03:45.88]A database management system(DBMS) is a comprehensive software tool that allows users to create.
  [03:56.93]maintain ,and manipulate the database to produce the relevant management information.
  [04:04.87]By integrated we mean that the file records are logically related to one another so that all data on a topic can be retrieved by simple requests
  [04:18.66]The database management systems software represents the interface between the user and the computer's operating system and database.
  [04:31.83]Picture a typical corporate office with a desk , chairs ,telephone and a row of file cabinents along the wall.
  [04:42.51]A wide variety of business data is stored in these cabinets.
  [04:47.82]If the files have been carefully organized and maintained then any piece of data that needs to be retrieved can quickly be located and removed.
  [05:00.33]However ,if the data has not been properly filed, some time and effort will be expended to find it.
  [05:09.84]And ,regardless of how carefully the files have been organized and maintained, you will always need to retrieve related pieces of data.
  [05:20.71]For example ,suppose you need to review the customer files for all invoices for payments due in excess of $2,500 and prepare a simple report.
  [05:37.61]How would you accomplish this task?
  [05:40.98]First ,you would probably go through the customer files in alphabetical order, foler by folder.
  [05:48.84]You would examine each invoice in the folders to determine if the amount is in excess of $2,500 and remove and copy each invoice that meets the criterion.
  [06:05.48]You would then have to refill the copies you removed (and risk misfiling the
  [06:12.43]When you had examined all the customer folders and copied all the appropriate invoices.
  [06:19.38]you would then review the copies and put together your report.
  [06:25.23]Imagine how much time this would take.
  [06:29.43]If there are a lot of customers, you would need to spend hours if not days.
  [06:35.91]Now let's look at the situation in a different way.
  [06:40.30]The environment is the same , except that ,instead of file cabinets.
  [06:46.23]you have a microcomputer or a terminal and DBMS software that has access to a customer database file as shown in the following .
  [07:00.57]In this file a row of customer data is referred to as a record, and an individual piece of data within a record ,such as a name ,is referred to as a field.
  [07:15.28]To get the invoice data you need, you would do something like this.
  [07:21.39]Turn on the computer and the printer.
  [07:26.22]start up the DBMS software
  [07:30.25]Give the command to open up the customer database file stored on your disk ,which is similar in concept to manually opening up the customer file in a filing cabinet.
  [07:46.16]Give the command to search all the records in the database file and display copies of the records that meet your criterion.
  [07:57.68]that is the names of people with unpaid invoices greater than $2,500.
  [08:05.25]If you were using dBASE IV , a popular microcomputer DBMS ,the command would look something like.
  [08:11.05]如果你一直使用的是Dbase 1v(一种在微机上使用的著名的DBMS),则命令会是:
  [08:16.85]If you were using SQL( Structured Query Language) the command would look like this.
  [08:24.79]In response to this command ,all the records in the file that have an invoice amount greater than $2,500 will be listed on the screen.
  [08:38.40]The SQL command would also sort the listing into order by name.
  [08:45.35]This whole procedure would take perhaps only five minutes or less.
  [08:51.28]The DBMS is a software tool designed to manage a large number of integrated ,share electronic file cabinets.
  [09:02.88]You describe the type of data you wish to store.
  [09:07.08]and the DBMS is responsible for creating the database file(s).
  [09:13.93]and providing an easy to use mechanism for storing ,retrieving and manipulating the data.
  [09:23.25]In small businesses, databases may be both created and operated by the user.
  [09:31.38]In moderate to large size business with extensive computer systems.
  [09:38.59]the corporate database is usually created by technical information speciallists, such as the database administrator.
  [09:49.56]but the database management system is acquired by the information systems department.
  [09:57.32]Users generate and extract data stored by the database management system.
  [10:04.63]As with systems analysis and design.
  [10:08.73]to design a database the organization must describe its informational needs to the designers and specify the type of data needed,
  [10:21.06]Users participate heavily in this process of defining what information needs to be stored in the database.
  [10:31.12]Since the early 1980s, tremendous advances have been made in developing database management systems for microcomputers.
  [10:43.08]They are now easy enough for users to learn to operate without assistance and powerful enough to produce valuable management information.
  [10:54.86]Regardless of whether you're in a large or a small business ,you cannot afford to do without the capabilities that a DBMS can provide.
  [11:09.28]Regardless of whether you're in a larger or a small business ,you cannot afford to do without the capabilities that a DBMS can provide.
