白领美丽英文诵典365 -080 How to Go Along with the Tou(在线收听

How to Go Along with the Tough Boss


A boss with difficult to get along maybe destroy the best jobs, but you are not powerless. Try the boss-taming strategies below, before you consider quitting your work. Few people are randomly me violent, they usually get violent on particular occasions over particular issues, you should track your boss's peeves and patterns, and eliminate the triggers as you can, for example, feels angry because your arrived just 5 minutes late to work, avoid no matter how trivial they seem. if one of your co-workers are skill in manage your bosses moods, ask him what you could be doing more effectively then borrow few methods.

一个难缠或喜欢滥用权力的老板可能会将好端端的工作搞砸。但你并不是完全无能为力的;在你考虑不干之前,不妨试一试下面几种对付老板的策略: 很少有人是随意发火的。他们一般是在特定场合因特定的事而发作的。你要摸清你的老板的脾气,并尽可能消除隐患。比如,他为了你上班仅迟到5分钟或打错了一个字便大发雷霆,那么你就要尽量避免这类疏忽,不论它们看起来多么微不足道。如果你的某位同事善于应付老板的情绪,那你就向他请教一下你怎么做才能更为有效,不妨借用他的一些手段。

Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses. Don’t cover stammer or apologize whatever you do, you should do respond confidently, I want to prepare or satisfy you, or let us discuss how can I make that happy!


you boss maybe more volunt to change behaviors your think, managers don’t realize their words or actions upset staffers, telling him your feeling after his outbursts, say for example, when you call me names and criticize my working at meetings I feel frustrated, please respect me and take me to aside to discuss criticisms in privately.


If your are intolerable about your boss's abusive, you may have to go a boss of head to personnel department or the senior manager, but before you take this action ask your co-workers cautiously if they've clashed with your bosses in past, ideally, they'll back you up and permit you to mention their names when you make your charges ,then you can ask your manager to pay attention your boss bad behavior, you can ask like this, can I have a formal discuss with you , then set an example how your boss treatment negatively effects your work, making clearly you want to improve your situation, not blaming your boss.

