英美人天天都在说的4000句 9:add insult to injury(在线收听

  [00:01]M: Shame! I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
[00:04]In fact, I think it's something that we should take pride in.
[00:08]I'm going to give the last bonnie as a prize to the saddest act here.
[00:15]B:And most of her limbs work, whereas I'm stuck in this thing day and night, in a house full of ramps.
[00:21]And to add insult to serious injury, I've totally given up smoking, my favorite thing.
[00:30]And, um, well, the truth is, we can't have a baby.
[00:42]W:Oh, Belle.
[00:45]B:...Still, um, we're lucky in lots of ways.
[00:48]And surely that's worth a brownie.
