听电影学英语-功夫熊猫 11(在线收听

  [00:05.68]Monkey! 金猴
[00:06.96]Go! 快去
[00:08.56]What was I thinking? 我这是何苦呢?
[00:22.00]Mantis! 螳螂
[00:26.08]Now! 快上
[01:14.48]Shifu taught you well. 师父教的不错
[01:20.56]But he didn't teach you everything. 可他没全教给你们
[01:26.72]You have done well,panda. 你表现很好 熊猫
[01:30.08]l've done awesome! 我很强大!
[01:33.08]The mark of a true hero is humility. 但凡真正的英雄都懂得谦虚
[01:37.16]But,yes,you have done... 没错 你很好
[01:41.40]...awesome. 很强大
[01:48.68]Guys? Guys?! They're dead! 兄弟们? 喂! 他们都死了!
[01:53.32]No,they're breathing. They're asleep?  But their eyes are open. 不不 还有气 睡着了? 不 眼睛还睁着
[01:55.32]We were no match for his nerve attach. 我们斗不过他的点穴神功
[01:57.60]He's gotten stronger. 他的武功更强了
[02:00.80]Who? Tai Lung? Stronger? 谁? 大龙? 更强了?
[02:04.08]Sorry,Po. 对不起 阿宝
[02:05.76]He's too fast! 他出手太快了
[02:09.64]l thought we could stop him. 我还以为能够阻止他
[02:10.16]He could have killed you. 他本可以杀了你们
[02:11.80]Why didn't he? 可为什么没杀?
[02:13.32]So you could come back and strike fear  into our hearts. But it won't work. 好让我看见你们这副惨相被吓住  可他休想得逞
[02:19.32]lt might. l mean,a little. 哦  吓着我了 吓着一点
[02:21.68]l'm pretty scared. 其实我好怕
[02:23.88]You can defeat him,panda! 你能打败他 熊猫
[02:24.16]Are you kidding? lf they can't?! 你开玩笑吧?  连他们都斗不过他!
[02:27.16]They're five masters. l'm just one me. 他们是五大高手 我是一大低手
[02:30.44]But you will have  the one thing that no one else does. 可你将拥有一件任何人都没有的法宝
[02:41.28]You really believe l'm ready? 你真认为我准备好了?
[02:42.56]You are... 是的
[02:43.52]...Po. 阿宝
[03:34.52]Behold the Dragon Scroll. 此乃神龙秘笈
[03:37.04]lt is yours. 它归你了
[03:39.08]Wait. What happens when l read it? 等等 我看了之后会怎么样?
[03:42.08]Legend says you will be able  to hear a butterfly's wing beat. 没人知道  可据说连蝴蝶拍打翅膀你都能听出来
[03:46.48]Really? That's cool. 哦 真的? 好酷啊
[03:49.72]Yes. And see light in the deepest cave. 没错 在黑洞中只有你能见到光
[03:52.32]You will feel the universe  in motion around you. 你还能感受天地环宇的每一丝太阳
[03:57.60]- Do a quadruple back flip?  - Focus. - 我能 我能... 我能连做四个后空翻吗?  - 专心
[04:01.36]- Will l...?  - Focus. - 我能隐形...?  - 专心
[04:01.76]- Focus.  - Oh,yeah,yeah. 专心  噢 对 对
[04:04.64]Read it,Po,and fulfill your destiny. 读完它 然后完成你的使命
[04:07.52]Read it and become... 读完它 你能成为
[04:07.56]...the Dragon Warrior. 神龙大侠
[04:18.16]lt's impossible to open. 好像打不开啊
[04:18.76]OK. Oome on,baby. Oome on now. 开呀给我开 开呀你
[04:25.64]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:26.44]l probably loosened it up  for you though. 我咬松了 所以你打开了
[04:29.28]OK,here goes. 好了 开卷
[04:44.44]- lt's blank.  - What?! - 空白的  - 什么?!
[04:46.64]- Here,look.  - No,l am forbidden to look upon... - 你看 看 - 不 有规矩 我不能看
[04:55.64]Blank. l don't... 空白的 我真...
[04:58.52]l don't understand. 我真不明白
[05:00.40]OK. So,like... 算了 依我看
