听电影学英语-邪恶新世界 12(在线收听

[00:03.80]But we both knew how the story had to end. 但是我们都知道 故事该如何结束

[01:51.88]- We need your help. - Oh, it's that kitchen boy. - 我们需要你的帮助 - 哦,是厨房里那小子

[01:55.68]I don't have time to explain. Ella needs you. 我没有时间解释了,瑞拉需要你

[01:57.96]- You gotta save her. - Yeah, yes, yes. - 你得去救她 - 是的,是的,是的

[02:02.28]Did you bring me my laundry? 你拿我的换洗衣服来了吗?

[02:04.68]Ella? The girl you danced with? 瑞拉? 那个和你跳舞的女孩?

[02:09.48]- At the ball? - That maiden? - 在舞会上? - 那个少女?

[02:10.44]Well, I've crossed deserts and mountains... 好吧,我已经穿过了沙漠和山脉…

[02:13.52]babbling brooks and things... 发出噗噗声的小溪和其它的

[02:17.80]to bring her... 带给她…

[02:18.80]this. 这个

[02:21.88]You crossed a desert to bring her a shoe? 你穿过沙漠带给她一只鞋?

[02:25.16]Yes, well, it's in the book. 是的,好吧,书上是这么写的

[02:31.76]So if Frieda hadn't tipped the scales... 那么如果弗丽达没有拨弄天平

[02:34.64]the prince and I would have gotten married? 王子本该和我结婚吗?

[02:37.48]You always do. 是的,一向如此

[02:38.80]What about Rick? What happens to him? 那瑞克呢?他会怎么样?

[02:43.28]He just works in the kitchen. 他只是在厨房工作

[02:45.28]Yeah. It's not his story. 是啊,这又不是他的故事

[02:49.96]- What's wrong? - It's your happy ending. - 怎么了? - 这就是你的圆满结局

[02:52.48]You get wedding bells, roses. 婚礼钟声敲响,玫瑰花瓣纷落

[02:56.88]You ride off into the sunset. 你们在黄昏时骑马远去

[02:59.36]- And then what? - Nothing. - 然后呢? - 没了

[03:01.28]That's the end of your tale. 你的故事就那样结尾了

[03:05.96]What? 怎么了?

[03:08.00]That's all? That's my whole life? 就这样结束了? 那就是我的一生?

[03:12.68]I just marry the prince? 我就只是嫁个王子?

[03:14.68]What else did you expect? 你还想要什么?

[03:15.68]I don't know. I guess... more. 我不知道, 我猜…更多

[03:22.64]I say happy endings are boring! 我就说嘛,大家都看腻了圆满的结局

[03:23.20]Just think about what you want, and go for it! 想想你想要什么,然后去争取吧

[03:33.48]Frieda! 弗丽达!

[03:34.76]Oh, no! Not again! Help! 哦,不! 别再来了!救命啊!

[03:38.72]Hi, Cinderelly! 嗨,灰姑娘!

[03:49.36]Under the bushes! Hide! 躲到树丛!隐蔽!

[03:50.44]Under the bushes? That's a-Those aren't- 躲到树丛下?那是…那不是…

[03:52.44]That's a stick! 那只是个树枝!

[04:18.88]Come to Stepmommy! 到继母这儿来!

[04:22.88]Ella! No! 瑞拉!不!

[04:26.16]Rick! 瑞克!

[04:35.52]Blast! Looks like we lost her! 可恶!看起来我们失去她了!

[04:54.88]Maiden! Maiden! 少女!少女!

[04:56.04]- Please! Please help me! - Maiden! - 求你了!请帮帮我! - 少女!

[04:56.60]Help! 救命啊!
