听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝 15(在线收听

[00:03.76]...or people who wanna be. ...或者是想成为爱尔兰人的人
[00:05.72]By the time they came back to the States... 当他们回到美国的时候...
[00:07.04]...Maggie was in a whole new league. ...麦琪已经达到了一个新的水平
[00:27.92]Mo cuishle! Mo cuishle! Mo cuishle! “莫 库什勒”!“莫 库什勒”!“莫 库什勒”!
[00:43.20]After that they got another offer to fight for the title. 后来他们受到另一场冠军赛的邀请
[00:47.36]What's the split? 怎么分成?
[00:51.08]-Sixty-forty. -Good. - 六四开 - 好
[00:52.52]We'II take 60 and you take 40, being as that Maggie's the draw. 好,我们六,你们四 因为麦琪是吸引观众的筹码
[00:58.40]That Iittle girl? 那个小女孩
[00:59.60]You think I'm wrong, really? You think people are saying... 你真的认为我说的不对? 你认为观众会说...
[01:04.60]...that they wanna see some scabby Kraut beat up on Iittle Miss What's-Her-Name? ...他们想看一个破烂德国人 痛揍无名氏小姐?
[01:08.48]You find someone who says that, and we'II take the 40. 你要能找到那样的人,我们就拿四
[01:17.92]There you go. 给你
[01:21.36]They're at 60-40, but they'II come up to 50-50. 他们现在是六四开 不过最后会是五五开
[01:27.64]How's that girl doing? 那女孩现在怎么样了?
[01:29.24]Well, she's got a concussion and a broken eardrum. 她脑震荡了,耳鼓膜破裂
[01:33.28]-And if she isn't? -Maybe I should send her something. - 她要是有事呢? - 也许我应该给她送点什么
[01:33.48]She be all right? 她没事吧
[01:37.16]Well, you could send her your check if you'd Iike. I'm sure she'd take it. 你愿意的话,把你的奖金寄给她好了 我想她会接受
[01:46.84]Boss? 老板?
[01:48.60]That Iittle house we talked about? 我们说起过的那座房子?
[01:52.60]I bought it. 我买下了
[01:54.20]Well, smart girl. 聪明的姑娘
[01:57.24]For my mama. It's only about a mile from where she Iives now. 给我妈买的 离她现在住的地方不到一英里
[02:01.12]No mortgage, just Iike you said. 如你所言,没有贷款
[02:06.60]You're a good daughter. 你是个好女儿
[02:08.52]She don't know about it yet. 她还不知道
[02:11.60]I was hoping maybe we could stay an extra day, drive over there? 我希望我们可以多待一天 开车到那里去
[02:14.44]I know she wants to meet you. 我知道她想见你
[02:17.84]Yeah, we could do that. 好吧,可以
[02:39.20]Oh, my God. Mama, come on out here. 哦,天哪,妈妈快出来
[02:40.52]Mary M.'s here. 麦琪回来了
[03:00.56]-This is the Johnsons' old house. -Not anymore. - 这是约翰逊家的旧屋 - 不再是了
[03:07.64]It's all yours, Mama. For you and Mardell and the kids. 它是你的了,妈妈 还有玛代尔和孩子们
[03:11.68]-Mary M., you bought this for me? -Yeah, all yours, free and clear. - 麦琪,这房子是你给我买的? - 对,是你的了,全部付清了
[03:15.56]Darling.... 亲爱的
[03:17.28]There's no fridge. No stove neither. 没冰箱,也没炉灶
[03:21.04]They'II be here before you move in. 在你们搬进来前,会准备好的
[03:23.16]-How much money did this cost you? -Never mind that. - 你花了多少钱? - 你不用管
[03:27.44]-You shouldn't have done this. -You need a decent place. - 你不该这么做 - 您需要一个体面的住处
[03:29.92]You shouldn't have done it. You should've asked me first. 你不该这么做 你该先问问我的
[03:33.60]Government's gonna find out about this, they're gonna stop my welfare. 如果政府发现了 他们会停掉我的社会福利的
[03:38.24]-Mama, no, they ain't. -They are. You're fine, you're working... - 妈妈,他们不会的 - 他们会的,你很好,有自己的工作
[03:42.24]...but I can't Iive without my welfare. 但没有福利我活不下去
[03:44.40]Mama, I'II send you money. 妈妈我会给你寄钱的
[03:46.12]What about my medicine? Medicaid gonna cut me off. 医疗怎么办? 公费医疗会把我从名单上划掉
[03:48.00]-How am I supposed to get my medicine? -I'II send you more money. - 我拿什么钱买药啊? - 我会给你寄更多的钱
[03:54.88]I hope you don't expect J.D. to move in with us. 我希望你没有预期JD要住进来
[03:55.64]He's getting out, you know. 你知道他快出狱了
[03:57.76]Why didn't you just give me the money? 为什么不把钱直接给我?
[04:02.52]Why'd you have to buy me a house? 为什么必须给我买房子?
[04:05.60]I didn't have to, Mama, but it's yours. 不是必须,妈妈,但房子是你的了
[04:09.68]You want the money, sell it. 如果想要钱,把它卖掉好了
[04:17.52]I don't-- 我不--
[04:26.24]I know you didn't mean nothing hurtful... 我知道你不想伤害我们...
[04:28.48]...but sometimes you just don't think things through. ...只是有时候你没把事情想清楚
[04:32.76]-That's true, Mama. -I'II try and keep the house. - 这倒是真的,妈妈 - 我会试着不把房子卖掉
[04:36.92]I'm just worried about all those expenses. 我只是担心养房子的那些费用
[04:37.92]I'II send you some more money. 我会给你寄更多钱的
[04:49.24]That man hitting you? 那个人把你打成这样的?
[04:52.32]It's from the fight. 这是比赛留下的
[04:56.48]I'm a fighter, Mama. 我是一名拳击手,妈妈
[04:57.20]Find a man, Mary M. 找个老公吧,麦琪
[04:59.76]Live proper. 过正常的生活
