听歌学英语:Is It Any Wonder(怎么会)(在线收听

听歌学英语:Is It Any Wonder(怎么会)


基音乐队(Keane)是一支来自英国东南部东萨塞克斯郡(Sussex)的巴特尔小镇(Battle)的摇滚乐乐队。成员有钢琴手、作曲人兼编曲人Tim Rice-Oxley,主唱和风琴手Tom Chaplin,以及鼓手Richard Hughes。。他们的头两张专辑:希望与恐惧(Hopes and Fears)和深海之音(Under the Iron Sea),在英国发售时销量都排名第一,在世界各地也都有非常好的销量。

  今天我们听到的“怎么会?”(Is It Any Wonder?),出自第二张专辑,是在专辑发布之前抢先发行的单曲,自单曲发行后迅速登上了英国单曲榜第三位。好,让我们来一起学习这首Is It Any Wonder?。

  I always thought that I knew
  I'd always have the right to
  Be living in the kingdom of the good and true
  and so on

  but now I think how I was wrong
  And you were laughing along
  And now I look a fool for thinking you were on, my side

  Is it any wonder I'm tired
  Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
  Is it any wonder I don't know what's right

  It's hard to know where I stand
  It's hard to know where I am
  Well maybe it's a puzzle I don't understand

  But sometimes
  I get the feeling that I'm
  Stranded in the wrong time
  Where love is just a lyric in a children's rhyme, a soundbite

  Is it any wonder that I'm tired
  Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
  Is it any wonder I don't know what's right
  oh, these days
  After all the misery you made
  Is it any wonder that I feel afraid
  Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed

  Nothing left inside this old cathedral
  Just the sad lonely spires
  How do you make it right

  Oh, but you try
  Is it any wonder I'm tired
  Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
  Is it any wonder I don't know what's right
  oh, these days
  After all the misery you made
  Is it any wonder that I feel afraid
  Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed
