听歌学英语:1 2 3 4(Feist)(在线收听

听歌学英语:1 2 3 4(Feist)

在Apple IPOD Nano最新的广告中,一个略带沙哑的女声唱着“one two three four....”,这首歌的名字就叫做《1234》,演唱者的是来自加拿大的创作型女歌手Feist,《1 2 3 4》这首歌起初并未受到什么关注,推出一段时间也没打进什么榜单;最近却因为iPod nano 的广告一下子进入了人们的视线。这首歌清新的曲调以及色彩鲜艳的mv与最新款的iPod nano很合拍。iPod的广告常常具有这样的魅力,找出一首可以衬出其产品气质的歌曲,作为回报,这首歌曲也能随之大红大紫。今天,我们就来学习这首“One Two Three Four”。

  One Two Three Four
  Tell me that you love me more
  Sleepless long nights
  That is what my youth was for

  Old teenage hopes are alive at your door
  Left you with nothing but they want some more

  Oh, you're changing your heart
  Oh, You know who you are

  Sweetheart bitterheart now I can tell you apart
  Cosy and cold, put the horse before the cart

  Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes
  Too scared to own up to one little lie

  Oh, you're changing your heart
  Oh, you know who you are

  One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
  Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
  One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
  Money can't buy you back the love that you had then

  Oh, you're changing your heart
  Oh, you know who you are
  Oh, you're changing your heart
  Oh, you know who you are
  Oh, who you are

  For the teenage boys
  They're breaking your heart
  For the teenage boys
  They're breaking your heart
