Faith口语课堂 第41课“Rather”的用法(在线收听


l         Richard同学很喜欢我们的节目,每天也在坚持收听和学习。他说经常会在电影里听到这句话:I got pissed off. 它是什么意思呢。这是一句口语化的句子,意思是我被惹怒了,真是太生气,我厌烦透了。

This mobile phone I bought yesterday acted up, I really got pissed off. 我昨天刚买的手机就不正常了,真烦人。

I’ve been coughing for weeks, and I get pissed off. 我咳嗽好几个星期了,烦死人了。

l         现在进入我们今天的正课,讲讲“rather 的用法:

1.   rather 作为一个副词,有“相当地,多多少少地,有点”意思,其后面可放形容


This is a rather expensive lap top.  这台手提电脑有点贵。

You’ve done rather well.     你做得确实不错。

My brother is rather better today.   我哥哥今天好多了。

It’s rather a pity that you missed this seminar.  你错过了这次讲座,真是遗憾。

The rain rather spoiled our holiday. 这场雨毁了我们的假期。


2rather than 表示更为情愿地,宁愿,可以连用,也可以分开用:

I’d be a freelance rather than a secretary. 我宁愿做个自由职业者,也不想当个秘书。

She would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁可要这个小的,也不要那个大的。

I would rather you come tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天过来,而不是今天。

He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁可辞职,也不愿参与这场肮脏的交易。

We would rather stay at home than go to the gym. 我们宁愿呆在家里,也不想去健身。


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