澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2010-01-24(在线收听

Hello, Geoff Ernest with the National Weather.

Tropical Cyclone Olga will spread heavy squally rain over north Queensland. The cloud in a trough over WA is also bringing showers and storms. Another trough near the New South Wales coast is causing light rain. And a high will keep southern parts mostly dry and warm.

To the states now, there will be heavy rain and storms north of Mackay as Tropical Cyclone Olga moves towards the Queensland coast. It will remain very hot in the west.

The cool change moving up the New South Wales coast will combine with a trough and produce showers. It will be hot in the north and dry inland.

The skies should stay clear for the fourth round of the Australian Open in Melbourne. There is a cloud above, but it's not expected to produce any major falls.

Tasmania can expect a cool dry day with just a few falls near the southern coast.

Another fine summer's day for South Australia, northern parts will remain hot as a mass of warm air pulls in the interior.

More showers for the south coast of WA, a trough for spread falls over the east and near inland, it should stay fine elsewhere.

Further north, a monsoon trough is delivering plenty of heavy rain and storms over the Kimberley and the Northern Territory. It should be hot and dry inland with Alice Springs in for a top of 40 degrees.

Looking ahead, a few more showers for Sydney, storms in the north and it should be fine elsewhere.
