听电影学英语-八月迷情 15(在线收听

  [00:01.82]Great sounds, kid. 孩子,这琴声真棒
  [00:07.18]Gibson J-200? 吉布森 J-200?
  [00:10.74]It's beautiful. 好琴
  [00:13.02]Can I see her? 能让我瞧瞧吗
  [00:16.94]Hey. It's okay. 嘿,别担心
  [00:21.70]I'm a musician too. 我也是玩这个的
  [00:26.66]Yeah. 好
  [00:34.10]Oh, yeah. 太好了
  [00:50.34]Nice action. 效果真棒
  [00:50.82]You're pretty good. 你弹得真好
  [00:54.98]Thanks. 谢谢
  [00:56.26]See what you can do with mine. 不想试试我的这把吗
  [01:04.50](《Dueling Guitars》)
  [02:54.18]How long you been playing? 你学这个多久了
  [02:55.54]Six months. 6个月
  [02:57.66]Six months? 6个月?
  [02:59.54]How'd you learn how to play like that in six months? 6个月你就能弹成这样了?
  [03:01.22]Juilliard. 我在茱莉亚学院学习
  [03:03.02]Juilliard? 茱莉亚学院?
  [03:06.30]I have my own concert tonight. 今晚有我的音乐会
  [03:06.70]Yes, sir. 是的
  [03:09.18]Do you reckon I should believe you? 你觉得我会相信你吗
  [03:14.26]Yeah. But I can't go. 不骗你 可是我去不成了
  [03:14.66]Why's that? 为什么呢
  [03:16.54]It's kind of a long story. 说来话长
  [03:23.38]Well, if I went to Juilliard and I had a concert tonight... 要是我能上茱莉亚学院 并且今晚还有我的音乐会…
  [03:27.18]....I wouldn't miss it for the world. 就算天塌下来我也要去
  [03:30.98]Yeah. 是啊
  [03:36.42]But what if something bad would happen if you did it? 但是如果因此而造成很坏的后果呢?
  [03:41.38]You never quit on your music. 音乐是绝对不能放弃的
  [03:44.26]No matter what happens. 不管发生什么
  [03:46.06]Because anytime something bad happens to you... 因为只有音乐才能在你最困难的时刻…
  [03:50.46]....it's the one place you can escape to and just let it go. …为你遮风避雨,让你忘记一切
  [03:57.22]I learned that the hard way. 我也是好不容易才领悟到这一点
  [04:00.18]And anyway, look at me. 不管怎么样,看着我
  [04:02.94]Nothing bad's gonna happen. 不会有坏事发生的
  [04:06.06]You gotta have a little faith. 你要有一点信心
  [04:18.18]I'm Louis. 我叫路易斯
  [04:21.42]Ev... August. 埃…奥古斯特
  [04:22.66]August Rush. 奥古斯特·拉什
  [04:27.02]August Rush. 奥古斯特·拉什
  [04:28.90]- Cool name. - August! - 很酷的名字 - 奥古斯特!
  [04:31.58]Come on! 过来!
  [04:37.98]I gotta go, August. 我得走了,奥古斯特
  [04:46.42]Bye. 拜拜
  [04:46.50]Yeah. 好
  [04:50.70]Bye. 拜拜
