澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2010-08-03(在线收听

A Four Corners investigation has revealed that two people smugglers are being considered for resettlement in Australia. The program secretly filmed the men discussing their people smuggling operations. Both men claim to have refugee status from the United Nations. Four Corners has also filmed high ranking officials asking for bribes to free asylum seekers and provide passage to Australia.

Julia Gillard has challenged Tony Abbott to a debate on the economy. The PM threw down the gauntlet just hours after announcing she'd showed the electorate who she really is. She has focused today’s campaigning on education, announcing plans to increase the family tax benefit and give parents and teachers more autonomy in running schools. Meanwhile, Tony Abbott is promising to inject 90 million dollars into tourism, including special grants for infrastructure.

David Jones says it will vigorously defend itself against a 37-million-dollar lawsuit. Junior publicist Kristy Fraser-Kirk claims she was sexually harassed by the company’s former chief executive Mark McInnes. She says DJs did nothing when she told them about it.

And the former prime minister Kevin Rudd has been discharged from hospital. A spokesman said Mr Rudd is recovering well from an operation to remove his gall bladder.

And those are the latest headlines on ABC News 24.
