CNN 2011-07-15(在线收听

 We passed our budget bag in this room.I ask the our priority where's the president's plan and once you can light his cards on this table.Yes, this limit increase is his problem and I think it's time for him to leave by putting his plan on the table something that Congress can pass.The Republicans are not only buy their action defaulting on our government and global governments.They are defaulting on the families budget,the very pensions,the very mortgages,the very credit interests,the 401ks that are put in

jeopardy because of this double-daring, not with the President, but with the American people.
Tuesday,the President's half brother was killed by one of his body guards at the gathering with other officials.The gunman was killed and shot out that followed out with other body guards.The Taliban claimed that the killer was their agent but Afghan official has doubt on that.Analysts have agree that the AWKs death is a  blow to the regional stability.As the Afghan government tries to negotiate wit the Taliban and US and NATO draw down their forces.
Taiwan to hang up to get to the world,doesn't it?We are hears.OK,ready for motion?Ready for motion.The next thing we need is to text for control some wrong to you that might select CDD.We get 3 miles.I don't know what to plan.laughter....
My course being moved on the end of the station's bottom *.You see the questions are lock here,the bottom right here sign.To be the ESP2 position.Grab it.
The legend of the migrant to Mexico went to US.These pictures taken by one week ago.The animal has no hair and was walking in the neighboring field believed to be some one when she and her husband first saw.She and I inevitably in the neighborhood up to quack looking for some pics.They got caught after later than they should have.Is is a  treat things not.