澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2010-12-16(在线收听

 Twenty-seven people died when that Indonesian fishing boat carrying asylum seekers smashed into the cliffs of Christmas Island. Around 41 of the 80 people on board of the vessel were rescued. Two asylum seekers have been transferred to a Perth hospital. They were transported overnight by the flying doctor service. 

There have been more violent protests in Greece over the government's austerity measures. Police have clashed with protesters outside parliament in the capital Athens. Unions have called a nationwide strike, which grounded flights, disrupted public transport, and closed schools across the country. 
A suicide bomber has killed at least 38 people and wounded another 50 at a mosque in southeastern Iran. The attack came on the eve of the final day of Ashura. That's one of the high points of the Shiite calendar when many gather in mosques across the country. One report says the militant Sunni group, Jundallah, has claimed responsibility for the attack. 
The Federal Government will today release its response to the Cooper Review of Australia's superannuation system. It will confirm an election promise to set up a low cost default scheme known as My Super. It's also expected to support the review's calls for more efficiency. 
And Amnesty International says Australia's policy of transferring insurgents from Afghanistan to the United States could violate international law. The Federal Government has confirmed the Australian Defence Force will hand over prisoners to the Afghan government or to US forces after holding them for up to 96 hours.