听电影学英语-别惹蚂蚁 09(在线收听

  [00:02.16]Sweet rocks, come to papa! 糖果石 到爸爸这来
  [00:21.00]Red one. 红色的
  [00:22.68]What are you doing? Why aren't you taking the red ones? 你在干吗? 干吗不拿红色的?
  [00:27.88]Well, it's actually quite simple, sugar lips. 理由实际上非常简单 甜嘴唇
  [00:29.20]l hate the red ones. 我讨厌红色的
  [00:32.48]Well, l love the red ones. 可 我喜欢红色的
  [00:32.56]-Hate them. -l love them! - 讨厌 - 我喜欢
  [00:36.24]-Hate, hate, hate. -Love. Love. - 讨厌 讨厌 讨厌 - 喜欢 喜欢
  [00:37.72]-Admit it, you find me attractive. -What? - 承认吧 你终于发现我的魅力了 - 什么?
  [00:40.72]Oh, how you tease me with your sweet talk. 你的甜言蜜语那么挑逗我
  [00:43.32]Oh, you want some sweet talk? 你想要甜言蜜语?
  [00:44.08]Because l'll give you some sweet talk. 因为我会满足你
  [00:47.84]Now grab a red one before l pull these off. 现在 在我把它们拔下来之前 搬一粒红色的
  [00:49.24]Whoa, l need those. 哇 我需要这些
  [00:54.12]What are we doing? 我们在干吗?
  [00:55.04]Nothing, nothing. 没什么 没什么
  [01:22.84]-Tiffany. -What's a Tiffany? - Tiffany - Tiffany是什么?
  [01:23.44]-Hurry up! -Right. - 快点儿 - 好的
  [01:26.72]Leave the red ones behind! 把红色的留下
  [01:28.04]Fugax! Fugax
  [01:30.72]Hey, pipsqueak, you there? 嘿 矮冬瓜 在吗?
  [01:34.76]Hello? 在吗?
  [01:36.04]That kid and his stupid electronic toys. 那孩子在玩他愚蠢的电动玩具
  [01:36.48]Crossfire! 交叉开火
  [01:44.20]What is he doing? 他在做什么?
  [01:48.00]Jumping. You know, hippity hop, uppity downy? 跳舞 你知道的 嘻哈风 上下摇摆
  [01:48.88]lt's a scout thing. You wouldn't understand. 是侦察上的事 你不会懂的
  [01:52.36]Okay, come on. One more. 好的 加油 再来一次
  [01:54.76]l just need a seven. 只要再来个7
  [01:58.32]-Hello. How are you? -Hi. - 你好 怎么样? - 嗨
  [02:01.40]Pizza Kingdom. Hail to the king. 比萨王国 跟国王打个招呼
  [02:03.80]Would you like to try our new Princess Pepperoni with tangy Jester Sauce? 想试试新款意大利公主肠 配上亲辣的小丑牌沙司吗?
  [02:08.48]Hello! This is Lucas Nickle! 你好! 我是Lucas Nickle
  [02:11.84]l need to cancel my order! 我要取消预定
  [02:16.96]What? 什么?
  [02:18.80]You don't want to order? 你不想预定?
  [02:21.32]Please cancel the contract! 请取消合同
  [02:24.68]-No exterminator! -No extra tomato. Got it. - 不要除虫的人 - 不要额外的番茄 知道了
  [02:30.12]Yes. No exterminator. 对 不要除虫的人
  [02:33.12]What? You-- You wanna cancel? 什么? 你...你想取消?
  [02:33.56]l'm canceling the contract. 我要取消合同
  [02:36.52]Who is this? 你是谁?
  [02:38.20]Oh, Bill, is this you, man? 哦 Bill 是你吗 兄弟?
  [02:40.36]You got me, man. You got me, dude. 被你骗了 兄弟 真被你骗了 哥们
  [02:45.64]That's a relief. 这下放心了
  [02:48.24]Okay, Lucas, l don't understand most of what just happened. 好了 Lucas 刚刚的事我大多不明白
  [02:51.04]What is an exterminator? 除虫者是什么?
  [02:51.60]Oh, don't worry. Everything's okay now. 哦 别担心 现在一切正常
  [03:03.84]Hide! 躲起来
  [03:08.72]This is Tiff. Hi, Mom. 我是Tiff 嗨 妈妈
  [03:11.72]Yeah, everything's fine. Lucas is being a pest. 是 一切都很好 Lucas一直很讨厌
  [03:16.48]He's in his room playing... 他在房间玩...
  [03:19.36]-...those stupid video games. -No, no! ...那些愚蠢的电玩
  [03:19.96]l will. l will. Okay, Mom. 会的 会的 好的 妈妈
  [03:22.44]Yes. l'm hugging the phone too. Bye. 是的 我也抱着电话 再见
  [03:35.08]Allow me to introduce-- 请允许我做一下自我介绍
  [03:35.68]You must be Queen Tiffany. 你一定是Tiffany女王
  [03:49.84]Remember your training. 记住你的训练
  [03:54.36]Oh, no. No, no, no! Mother! 不 不 不 不 不! 母亲!
  [03:59.72]We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. 对不起 您的电话暂时无法接通
  [04:02.12]Hello? 你好?
  [04:06.68]Tiffany, no! You'll squish Lucas. Tiffany 不! 你会把Lucas压扁的
  [04:08.24]Hello. Nobody's shrunk. Gotta go. Bye-bye. 你好 没人缩小 挂了 再见
  [04:09.08]What are you talking about? 你在说些什么?
  [04:11.84]Lucas! You let him go. lt's me you want. Lucas! 放开他 你们要抓的是我
  [04:14.44]Come back. Probe me instead. Lucas! 回来 我替他做实验品 Lucas
  [04:24.88]Bring back Lucas, you alien scum! 把Lucas带回来 你们这些外星人渣
  [04:25.68]Oh, Lucas. Lucas. 哦 Lucas Lucas
  [04:28.36]-Okay, Mommo. -Lucas. - 好了 奶奶 - Lucas
  [04:31.64]Let's go find your other teeth. 我们再去找副假牙
  [04:53.08]Hova, where are you? Hova 你在哪里?
