听电影学英语-别惹蚂蚁 11(在线收听

  [00:26.32]Hey, Lucas. 嘿 Lucas
  [00:27.48]Hey, anybody know what...means? 嘿 有人知道这...意味着什么吗?
  [00:32.28]l think l just figured it out. 我想我知道了
  [00:36.92]Croaker! Croaker
  [00:40.44]This way! 走这边
  [00:49.68]Don't ever leave me again. 别再离开我了
  [00:51.04]-But Zoc told me-- -You are my pupa, not Zoc's. - 但Zoc跟我说... - 你是我的小弟 而不是Zoc的
  [00:56.80]Lucas, come on. Lucas 快上来...
  [01:02.56]Climb! You can do it. Just concentrate. 爬呀 你能行的 集中精神
  [01:09.64]l'm an ant. Okay, l'm an ant. 我是只蚂蚁...
  [01:11.36]-He's got it. He's got it. -Look, l'm an ant! - 他成功了 他成功了! - 瞧啊 我是蚂蚁!
  [01:12.32]He hasn't got it. 他又失败了
  [01:24.76]Grab hold! 抓住我
  [01:28.12]Hova? Hova?
  [01:31.48]Lucas! Lucas!
  [01:47.12]Wow, we came right down that guy's throat, didn't we? 我们正好掉在那家伙的嗓子眼里了  是吗?
  [01:52.00]Hey, smiley, you're on my wing. 嗨 Smiley 你压到我的翅膀了
  [01:53.48]Oh, oh, l'm sorry. l am so sorry. 哦 很抱歉...
  [01:56.04]So, what do you guys do? 那么 你们在干嘛?
  [01:56.56]l'm a glowworm. l glow. 我是萤火虫 我要发光
  [02:00.36]That's great! 这太棒了
  [02:02.84]You're really starting to irritate me. Can you--? 你这下真的惹火我了 不是吗...?
  [02:07.68]Oh, gross. 哦 真恶心
  [02:12.48]Will you quit eating, fatso? 不要再吃了 死胖子
  [02:15.24]lt's cramped in here. There's no more room! 这里已经很狭窄 没有空间了
  [02:17.76]Don't worry. l'm afraid we will be moving along in due course. 别担心  恐怕我们马上要被吃进肚子了
  [02:22.40]Always with the negative with you. 你总是这么消极
  [02:23.60]Why can't you be more-- Hey, Lenny! 为什么不能...嘿 Lenny!
  [02:26.68]This is what l'm talking about. 这样才对啊
  [02:27.08]Lenny always has a smile on his face-- Lenny的脸上总挂着微笑
  [02:33.12]Let me out! Let me out! 放我出去....
  [02:35.12]-l don't wanna be a toadstool! -''A toadstool.'' That's great. - 我不想成为一个蘑菇 - 蘑菇 那太好了
  [02:38.92]-You like that? -That's very funny. - 你喜欢那样吗? - 这很有趣
  [02:40.00]There's plenty more where that came from, pal. 我还有好多呢 你从哪来的 伙计
  [02:43.08]l like-- Hi, what's your name? 我喜欢...嗨 你叫什么名字?
  [02:45.24]There he goes again. 他又来了
  [02:49.72]Stop! Come back! 停下 快回来!
  [02:52.80]-Hova! -No! - Hova - 不
  [02:53.04]Hova, he's gone. Hova 他死了
  [02:55.88]Croaker, over here. This way! Croaker 这里
  [02:59.48]-Zoc! -Zoc! - Zoc - Zoc
  [03:01.96]l am delicious, eat me. 我很可口的 吃我吧
  [03:02.28]Zoc, are you crazy? Zoc 你疯了吗?
  [03:05.52]-He's crazy. -Hey, froggy! - 他肯定疯了 - 嗨 大青蛙
  [03:09.20]No relationship is worth this. 我不知道这样做值不值得
  [03:17.20]Oh, sure. Why not? Come on in. 哦 为什么不呢? 过来吧
  [03:20.44]-Welcome to paradise. -Zoc! How'd you get here? - 欢迎来到天堂 - Zoc! 你怎么也到这儿来了?
  [03:25.44]l sure didn't come in through the rear entrance. 我肯定不是从屁股后面进来的
  [03:26.04]Welcome. Make yourself at home. Hi. 欢迎 就像在自己家里一样
  [03:31.28]Who is this? Your ant? 这又是谁? 蚂蚁伙伴吗?
  [03:31.96]Zoc, you are crazy. You're inside a frog, for Mother's sake. Zoc 你疯了吗 我的天 你在一只青蛙的肚子里
  [03:34.68]What are you doing? This is impossible! 你在干什么? 这是不可能的
  [03:36.68]''Listen to yourself, Zoc. A wizard knows no such word. 说给你自己听吧 Zoc 巫师的字典里没有"不"字
  [03:39.32]So, what are you now?'' 你看看你现在的样子
  [03:44.52]Weirdo. 奇怪的人
  [03:47.20]What does she see in you? 她这么看你的吗?
  [03:48.80]-What does she see in you? -Exactly! - 她是这么看你的吗? - 正是
  [03:55.32]Not me. 不是我
  [03:57.16]-Hey, is that...? -Alka root? So it is. - 嘿 这会不会是...? - 碱草根吗? 肯定是的
  [04:04.80]-Oh, no. -Oh, my. - 哦 不 - 我的天啊
  [04:08.36]You might wanna let go of that. 我想你应该把手放开
  [04:10.76]Oh, no. So you can grab it? l don't think so. 哦 不 这样的话就能让你抓了? 我不这么想
  [04:13.92]-Hands in the air. -Oh, my. - 把手举到空中 - 哦 我的天啊
  [04:21.92]Wow, that was great! 哇 真是太棒了
  [04:23.80]Hey, we sure owe you one! Thanks a lot! 嘿 我欠你一个人情 多谢了
  [04:27.76]l'm free! l'm free! 我自由啦...
  [04:30.92]Oh, crap. 哦 真没用
  [04:37.28]Hey, Zoc, thanks. But why'd you do it? Zoc 谢谢你 你为什么要这样做?
  [04:39.16]An ant will sacrifice himself for his friends. 做蚂蚁要随时为朋友献出生命
  [04:44.56]-l thought you hated me. -l didn't do it for you. - 我以为你恨我 - 我这样做不是为你
