听电影学英语-别惹蚂蚁 14(在线收听

  [00:08.80]Draw! 来吧!
  [00:14.60]Zoc! Zoc
  [00:27.48]-Welcome to the scalp. -Hello. - 欢迎来到头皮地带 - 你好啊
  [00:29.48]-Have a slice. -Enjoy. - 也来一片吧 - 尽情享受
  [00:35.36]Fingers! 是手指!
  [00:36.04]He's scratching again! 他又要挠了
  [00:37.32]-To the armpit! -Dive, dive! - 躲到腋窝去 - 冲啊! 冲啊!
  [00:49.80]Leave my friends alone! 离我朋友远点
  [00:56.52]Don't pick your nose. Don't pick your nose. 不要挖鼻孔...
  [01:04.28]-Need a lift? -Thanks. - 要搭便车吗? - 谢了
  [01:28.04]No. 不
  [01:30.64]Hova, are you okay? Hova 你还好吗?
  [01:32.00]What? 什么?
  [01:35.80]Nighty night. 晚安
  [01:38.04]Run! 快跑
  [01:44.92]Come on, get up! We got to go, we got to go! 快起来 我们要赶紧逃...
  [01:49.92]l'm done, little ant. 我不行了 小蚂蚁
  [01:57.68]Run! Run! 快跑啊
  [02:00.72]Lucas, go on. Lucas 走吧
  [02:04.60]Save yourself. 你要保重自己
  [02:18.80]That's not the way ants are. 我们蚂蚁是不会这么做的
  [02:25.48]Hurry up. 快点
  [02:41.88]Lucas? Lucas! Lucas? Lucas!
  [02:48.16]Lucas! Lucas!
  [02:55.28]You did it. You did it! 你做到了! 你做到了!
  [02:58.56]Now, that's an ant. 现在才像一只真正的蚂蚁了
  [03:02.00]Oh, sorry. 哦 抱歉
  [03:02.84]Thanks, kid. 谢谢你 孩子
  [03:13.80]Oh, yeah! 哦 爽啊
  [03:16.00]-Our weapons are useless. -We just need a clear shot. - 我们的武器完全没用 - 我们要无障碍的射击才行
  [03:25.64]Hey, wait. A shot. 等等 一个射击
  [03:28.32]Okay, now what? 现在怎么办?
  [03:36.68]-lsn't that funny? -Hilarious. - 有那么好笑吗? - 好笑
  [03:40.56]Oh, look. Here's a way in. 看 这里有条通道
  [03:45.00]Enjoy a world that's entirely bug free 享受完全没有虫子的世界吧
  [03:48.40]Call Beals-A-Bug And leave the bug-killing to me 打电话给Beals-A-Bug 把杀虫的任务交给我吧
  [04:00.12]Okay, l'm feeling like we ought to attack something in here. 好的 我觉得我们可以就在这 攻击点什么
  [04:04.12]Hey, that looks vulnerable. 那里看起来蛮脆弱的
  [04:06.60]Perfect. 太棒了
  [04:15.72]Oh, look. Here's our way out. 看 我们有出路了
  [04:16.92]Let's give this human a goodbye kiss. 我们给这个人一个告别之吻吧
  [04:23.40]Pucker up, Mr. Beals! 缩小吧 Beals先生
  [04:49.64]No, no, no. 不...
  [04:54.72]Stop. Just get away from me. Get away from me. 快停下 离我远点...
