听电影学英语-绝配男女 14(在线收听

  [00:10.32]We used to do it on the kitchen counter.  我们经常在厨房角落里做爱
  [00:37.08]I wish things were like the beginning.  一切都好象刚刚开始
  [00:43.44]Well, that's when they want you so badly, they'll do anything.  女人很需要什么东西 她就说什么
  [00:47.32]Then once they get you, they put you on the maintenance plan.  然后她为满足需要 会去制定计划
  [00:53.84]- I'm glad you're my friend, Elyse. - Ohh, me too.  艾丽赛,有你这个朋友真好 我也是
  [00:57.84]I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a friend to talk to.  除了你 我都没有倾诉的对象
  [01:01.52]Well there's always Drew's sister.  噢,应该每次都是德鲁的姐姐
  [01:06.20]The wacka-doodle.  那个疯子
  [01:10.56]Why did you ask her to come out here with you?  你干嘛要让她跟你一起来?
  [01:14.56]I thought it would work.  我觉得这样有效果 那时真是疯狂
  [01:17.24]I was crazy about her.
  [01:19.92]At least I thought I was.  这正是我想象的
  [01:20.60]But you're not now?  封闭你自己?
  [01:26.12]I want to be.  我希望如此
  [01:27.48]I want to feel like I can't be without her.  我觉得没有她就过不下去
  [01:34.16]I know that sounds ridiculous.  我知道这听起来很荒谬
  [01:36.84]What else is bothering you?  她开始看上你什么?
  [01:39.00]What makes you think something's bothering me?  这跟我的困扰有关系吗?
  [01:43.84]19 years of listening to people on this table and a hunch.  19年每天都能听到这些…
  [01:47.88]You can tell me, you know.  你不能告诉我
  [01:51.24]It might help the pain in your shoulder go away.  这可能是我遇到的最难医 的病人
  [01:55.92]Lately l... I feel...  最近,我…
  [02:01.60]I look at myself as a failure.  我觉得…
  [02:10.12]I thought I'd come out here, pass the Bar, make lots of money... maybe start a family.  我觉得来到这里就是要 通过律师考试…
  [02:20.84]I've always been able to pull it off... ...you know. Whatever I wanted...  不管我想要什么 好象都得不到似的…
  [02:24.20]Now I can't seem to make anything work.  现在我好象什么都做不成
  [02:29.72]How much longer?  多久了?
  [02:45.92]It's done.  搞错了 噢?
  [02:50.48]- It's negative. - Oh thank God.  阴性 谢天谢地
  [02:55.16]What?  干嘛?
  [02:59.64]What's wrong?  怎么啦?
  [03:00.00]It's just your reaction was so... So...  这就是你的反应…干嘛?
  [03:06.68]Like you received a pardon from a death sentence!  你好象很怕听到女人怀孕
  [03:12.56]You know, I think underneath it all you wanted to be pregnant.
  [03:17.40]That's bullshit. I just don't think it would be the end of the world like you do.  胡说八道
  [03:23.08]Maybe this is a blessing.  也许这是个祝福
  [03:26.12]- Maybe this shows our heads are in different places right now. - Yeah,  也许我从现在起要搬出卧室住
  [03:29.28]mine's on my shoulders, and yours is up your ass!  没错,从今天我们分居
  [03:36.12]I don't know why she stays with me.  我不知道她干嘛远离我
  [03:40.48]What do you think she should do?  你觉得她要怎么做?
  [03:45.16]Probably leave me.  信任我
  [03:48.52]Sounds like a part of you wants her to.  看来这也是你希望的部分
  [03:52.52]Perhaps that way you don't have to be the bad guy.  不过也许你不是合适的人选
  [03:58.72]Why is it we sometimes look foradvice when we already know the answer.  为什么我们已经知道答案 却还要寻求建议?
  [04:01.92]Maybe it's because we want to be wrong.  也许是需要这种关系长久下去
  [04:06.60]Drew...  怎么啦?
  [04:13.96]I've been thinking...  我一直在想
  [04:23.64]Maybe we shouldn't live together anymore.  也许我们不应该在一起了
  [04:27.32]I'm sorry, honey.  对不起,亲爱的 我的意思是…
  [04:28.68]- Look this hurts me... - Shut up.  闭嘴
  [04:33.88]Why are you doing this?  你为什么要这样做?
  [04:36.88]I moved across the country to be with you.  我横穿大半个国家来跟你同居
  [04:37.20]I... I'm just not good for you right now.  我是觉得自己不再适合你了
  [04:42.88]I left a job!  我扔下了工作 离开了家人,朋友
  [04:45.40]I left my family, and my friends...
  [04:47.08]I'm living next to a freeway! You fucking selfish coward!  天天背着私奔的头衔在生活 你这个自私的混蛋!
  [04:51.76]Get away from me!  离我远点!
