听电影学英语-花木兰 02(在线收听

  [00:06.76]I live! 我复活了!
  [00:11.36]So tell me what mortal needs my protection, Great Ancestor. 告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?
  [00:14.16]And let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough... - 木须 - 要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦
  [00:14.84]- You just say the word and I'm there. - Mushu... 老祖宗 只要您开口我就去
  [00:17.60]to threaten our family, vengeance will be mine!
  [00:22.16]Mushu! These are the family guardians. 木须
  [00:26.80]- They... - Protect the family. 它们…
  [00:31.88]And you, O Demoted One? 保护这个家
  [00:35.52]I ring the gong. 我…
  [00:36.32]That's right. Now, wake up the ancestors. 是负责敲锣
  [00:42.44]One family reunion comin' right up. 我这就去叫醒大家
  [00:44.64]Okay, people, people, look alive. Let's go. Come on. Get up. 大家起来 快起来 别偷懒了
  [00:47.76]Let's move it. Rise and shine. Y'all way past the beauty sleep thing, trust me.
  [00:55.00]I knew it. I knew it. That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start! 我早就知道…
  [01:00.76]Don't look at me. She gets it from your side of the family. 别看我 她是从你家那边遗传的
  [01:02.16]She's just trying to help her father. 她只想帮助她父亲
  [01:05.28]But if she's discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed. 要是她被人发现 一辈子都会抬不起头
  [01:09.36]Dishonour will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate. 花家祠堂会声望全无
  [01:11.12]Not to mention, they'll lose the farm. 家产也全得没收
  [01:12.16]My children never caused such trouble. They all became acupuncturists. 我家孩子从没惹过麻烦
  [01:18.20]- Well, we can't all be acupuncturists. - No! 总不能全都当针灸师啊
  [01:20.72]Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser! 哼 你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩
  [01:25.12]- Let a guardian bring her back. - Yes, awaken the most cunning. 派守护神带她回来
  [01:30.68]No. The swiftest. 不 那行动最快的
  [01:32.36]- No. Send the wisest. - Silence! 不 最有智慧的
  [01:34.72]We must send the most powerful of all. 安静
  [01:39.36]Okay, okay, I get the drift. I'll go. 好啦…
  [01:43.48]Oh, y'all don't think I can do it. Watch this here. 你们以为我不行?
  [01:49.36]Aha! Jump back. I'm pretty hot, huh? 我不错吧?
  [01:49.96]Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point. 谁敢让我试试看啊?
  [01:52.12]You had your chance to protect the Fa family. 你之前有过这个机会的
  [01:56.68]Your misguidance led Fa Deng to disaster. 结果却把花嶝害得很惨
  [01:58.40]- Yeah, thanks a lot. - And your point is? 对呀 多亏你了
  [02:00.76]The point is we will be sending a real dragon... 什么意思?
  [02:03.80]to retrieve Mulan.
  [02:05.96]What... What... I'm a real dragon! 什么?我也是真正的龙啊
  [02:07.32]You are not worthy of this spot. Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon. 你根本就不够格
  [02:16.52]So you'll get back to me on the job thing? 那你会考虑录用我吗?
  [02:20.92]Just one chance, is that too much to ask? 我只是要个机会嘛
  [02:24.84]I mean, it's not like it'll kill ya. 又不是要你老命
  [02:27.04]Yo, Rocky, wake up! Ya gotta go fetch Mulan! 石头 醒醒啊
  [02:34.36]Come on, boy! Go get her! Go on! 快起来 去追她 去呀
  [02:36.40]Come on. 来呀
  [02:46.56]Hello? Hello! 有人在吗?…
  [02:48.48]Hello! 醒醒!
  [02:59.48]Uh, Stony? 石头…
  [03:02.28]Stony? Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.
  [03:04.80]Great Stone Dragon... 他们会杀了我
  [03:09.04]have you awakened? 你醒了吗?
  [03:12.84]Uh, uh, uh, uh... Yes, I just woke up. 我…我刚醒
  [03:14.56]I'm... I'm the Great Stone Dragon. Good morning. 我是伟大的石像神龙
  [03:17.48]I will go forth and fetch Mulan. 早安 我立刻去追回木兰
  [03:22.20]Did... Did I mention that I was the Great Stone Dragon? 我有说我是石像神龙吗?
  [03:23.44]Go! The fate of the Fa family... 去吧
  [03:26.76]rests in your claws. 都交在你的手中了
  [03:30.36]Don't even worry about it. I will not lose face. 别担心
  [03:37.08]Oh, my elbow. Oh, oh. I know I twisted something. 糟糕
  [03:43.52]That's just great. Now what? I'm doomed! 这下可好 现在该怎么办?
  [03:46.52]And all 'cause Miss Man decides to take her little drag show on the road. 我惨了
  [03:53.24]Go get her? What's the matter with you? 去找她?
  [03:54.64]After this Great Stone Humpty-Dumpty mess... 你有毛病吗?
  [03:56.32]I'd have to bring her home with a medal to get back in the temple.
  [04:01.72]Wait a minute. That's it! I make Mulan a war hero... 等等 这就对了
  [04:02.96]and they'll be begging me to come back to work. 我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来
  [04:05.28]That's the master plan. Aw, you done it now, man. 就这么办
  [04:12.72]Hey, what makes you think you're comin'? 谁说你能来的?
  [04:14.00]You're lucky? 你运气好吗?
  [04:16.48]Do I look like a sucker to you? 我长得像呆子吗?
  [04:19.92]What you mean, a loser? How 'bout if I pop one of your antennas off, and throw it across the yard? 你说我很衰?
  [04:23.44]Then who's the loser, me or you? 再看看谁比较衰?
  [04:56.00]Imperial scouts. 京城来的探子
