听电影学英语-花木兰 09(在线收听

  [00:05.82]I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. 朕听说过你的事 花木兰
  [00:11.58]You stole your father's armour, ran away from home... 你偷走你爹的盔甲
  [00:16.22]impersonated a soldier... 女扮男装 代父从军
  [00:17.46]deceived your commanding officer... 欺骗军营长官
  [00:19.30]dishonoured the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace... 让军人蒙羞
  [00:23.94]and... 还有...
  [00:26.74]you have saved us all. 你救了我们大家
  [00:57.94]My little baby is all grown up and... and savin' China. 小姑娘长大了
  [01:02.78]You have a tissue? 借张面纸
  [01:05.62]- Chi Fu? - Your Excellency? 赐福
  [01:08.02]See to it that this woman is made a member of my council. 皇上 臣在
  [01:11.66]Uh, a member... What? Uh... But... 让这女子当个...
  [01:15.30]There are no council positions open, Your Majesty. 可是...
  [01:15.42]启禀皇上 没有宰相的空缺
  [01:19.78]Very well. You can have his job. 好吧
  [01:20.60]What? L... Oh. 那你就接替他的工作
  [01:26.34]With all due respect, Your Excellency... 木兰无意做官任职
  [01:28.70]I think I've been away from home long enough. 我只想尽快返回故乡
  [01:33.90]Then take this... 那么...
  [01:37.06]so your family will know what you have done for me. 让你家人知道你救了朕
  [01:39.78]And this... 还有这个
  [01:42.10]so the world will know what you have done for China. 让全世界知道你救了国家
  [01:53.22]Is she allowed to do that? 她竟这样抱皇上哎
  [02:06.86]Um... You...
  [02:09.60]You fight good. 你非常勇敢
  [02:14.74]Oh. Thank you.
  [02:25.26]Khan, let's go home. 阿汗 我们回家吧
  [02:33.66]The flower that blooms in adversity... 逆境中盛开的花朵
  [02:37.94]is the most rare and beautiful of all. 才是最美丽的花朵
  [02:40.02]- Sir? - You don't meet a girl like that... 皇上?
  [02:44.94]every dynasty.
  [03:16.86]爹爹 我给您带来单于的剑
  [03:17.06]- Mulan! - Father. 木兰
  [03:20.22]I brought you the sword of Shan-Yu.
  [03:21.66]And the crest of the emperor. 和皇上赐的信物
  [03:24.60]They're gifts to honour the Fa family. 全是赐给花家光宗耀祖
  [03:36.42]The greatest gift and honour... 花家最大的荣耀
  [03:38.30]is having you for a daughter. 就是有你这个好女儿
  [03:42.14]I've missed you so. 爹爹好想你
  [03:44.30]I've missed you too, Baba. 我也想念您 爹爹
  [03:53.94]Great. She brings home a sword. 真是的 她只带回一把剑
  [03:55.34]If you ask me, she should've brought home a man. 她应该带回一个男人
  [03:57.02]Excuse me. Does Fa Mulan live here? 对不起
  [04:04.90]- Thank you. - Whoo! Sign me up for the next war. 谢谢
  [04:09.18]Honourable Fa Zhou, l... Mulan! 花弧大人
  [04:14.10]Uh, you forgot your helmet.
  [04:17.26]Uh, w-w-well, actually, it's, uh, your helmet, isn't it? I mean... 你忘了头盔
  [04:18.62]应该是您的盔甲 是吧?
  [04:20.86]Would you like to stay for dinner? 你想留下来吃晚饭吗? 你想永远留下来吗?
  [04:22.54]Would you like to stay forever?
  [04:25.60]Dinner would be great. 吃晚饭很好
  [04:31.66]Come on. Who did a good job? 说啦 我算不算成功啊? 说嘛 算不算成功?
  [04:36.22]Come on. Tell me. Who did a good job?
  [04:36.34]Oh, all right! You can be a guardian again. 好吧
  [04:52.10]Take it, Cri-Kee! 敲吧 蟋蟀
  [04:54.98]You know, she gets it from my side of the family. 她可是我家这边的人哟
