澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2011-08-08(在线收听

A collection of Bruce Lee memorabilia has gone under the hammer in Hong Kong nearly 40 years after the Kung Fu star's death. Thirteen items from a private collection were auctioned off, netting just over 200,000 Australian dollars for the owner. The highest bid was a fur-lined coat made for the unfinished film Game of Death. It sold for 73,000 Australian dollars. The winning bidder says Lee was widely respected for his film work.

"I think Bruce Lee is worldwide recognised as one of the most important people in the martial arts field. He really pioneered the film genre."

The annual Darwin Festival will kick off this Thursday. The event aims to showcase an array of local, national and international talent. Organisers say they hope the festival will help catapult local talent onto the international stage. It'll last for 18 days.

And a sculpture has been unveiled showing what Andy Warhol would look like if he was still alive. The work was done to mark the pop art icon's 83rd birthday. It took the artist three months to complete the work. Warhol died in 1987 from surgery on his gall bladder.
