访谈录 2011-07-03&07-05 詹妮弗是让人抓狂的老板?(在线收听

 -Were you blushing at all at some of the lines? You are naughty. 

-Sadly I wasn't. I was kind of comfortable. Sort of a dream, just sort of living in that sort of that skin and just feel to say those words and...
-It's just a character. 
-Just a character. I just do the job. 
-How are you as a boss? 
-I think I'm a, I'm a really good boss. I know exactly what I want. I'm very detail-oriented. I'm specific, so there's not... And I'm also very appreciative of people that are working with me. 
-Are you a potty-mouth (means that someone who can't utter a sentence without the use of excessive swearwords.) in your real life? 
-I'm not a potty... I mean I don't speak like that, regularly, on a regular basis. But I don't, I wouldn't say I'm,  I'm a squeaky clean anyway. 
-Can we talk a little bit about, hum, this? Were you having fun in the shoot?
-No, I'm miserable. 
-You look so unhappy here. 
-Yes, I know. But, so...
-And I'm very sorry, so unattractive. 
-Sweet, yeah, that's fun. 
That's Jen on the July cover of Marie Claire magazine, and inside, posing with her leading man, Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman and Charlie Day, showing that she is not only having fun; she's looking fierce. 
-So, to all of our viewers, who always want to know how does she look so good, it's a, it's a combination of spinning and Yoga. 
-Spinning and Yoga, and also in circuiting, you do a little Yoga, you do a little weights, you are back on the bike, you sort of keep you...
-Keep moving. 
-You are doing magazines; you are doing movies. Do you feel pressure to look, look a certain way, to stay a certain way? 
-I don't feel pressure to, I feel better when I'm, when I'm fit or something about being able to just move that I, I love. 
-Yeah. No, it just...
-It changes you energy, you know, and your spirit. 
-And while she's always gorgeous and glamourous on the red carpet. We wondered about Jen's style when she's just laying low. 
-What are you three fashion-must-haves? 
-A good wedge, a great pair of jeans, and a great tank top (refers to a type of sleeveless shirt worn by men and women). 
-All right. 
-And that's the jacket, I can't afford, can I?
-No, we are gonna let you, we will bring you Rose here. 
-Also flip flops (Flip-flops are a simple type of footwear in which there is a band between the big toe and the other toes), I mean there is, those are the must (haves), mine must haves. 
-So, if we were able to pick Jennifer Aniston's closet, would we see just a huge diversity of clothing but really there are just few things that you wear? Or do you really just have a lot of those staples? 
-You will see a lot of cloth, and a certain amount that I wear, although the tank top drawer is filled. 
-The location of those dresses these days is hard to pin down. Aniston told me she's found a buyer for her stunning Beverly Hills home, which was reportedly on the market for over 40 million dollars. 
-You want to go smaller, more traditional...
-I just wanna go smaller, and I want, if...I don't know, it hasn't, it hasn't, I haven't found it yet. So I don't really know. It will...when I see it I will know what it is. 
-Is it true that if you weren't acting, you'd love to be an interior designer? 
-I would, I have so much fun doing that, I really, really, really love doing that. For me, it's, oh, I love entertain so I love to have people feel cozy and comfortable. 
-And how would you describe your perfect pad? 
-Just comfortable, water, views. 
-That sounds good. 
-I will meet you there. 
-Okay, great, 5 o'clock.