豆知识 2009-05-24&05-30 浪漫求婚秘诀(在线收听

 Hi, I’m Donna Barnes. I’m a life and dating coach and owner of NY Dating Coach here in New York City.

In this clip we’ll talk about romantic ways to get engaged, and really I guess your primary goal should be something that’s gonna last and be a great story forever, because everybody always says: how did you get engaged? They want to hear the story. So a truly romantic fairytale story is always great. So you could serenade the one you love with a song, and surprise them with the ring. You could go on a wonderful romantic weekend together where it’s building up for the whole weekend up until the moment.
There’s all sorts of things. It’s, it’s best if you can catch them by surprise. I think those are really, the truest, romantic, where you really put a lot of thought and caring into it, and make it a surprise so that they had no idea that it was coming.
So, you could find things that they love to do and then be there, and be part of it, make it creative and from your heart, and she’ll cherish it forever. 
This is Donna Barnes from New York City.