豆知识 2010-01-03&01-09 Dropbox—免费在线储存同步网(在线收听

 You’ve been there. You’re about to buy lunch and realize your wallet is in your other pants, or maybe you left your keys at home. The problem is organization. You need one place for everything, like a magic pocket. Putting something in the magic pocket means it’s always there, no matter what you wear or where you are.

The same thing is true for computers. If you have more than one, keeping track of all of your files can be a pain. Solving this problem is one of the big ideas behind Dropbox. It’s like a magic pocket, a single, secure place for all of your stuff.
Let’s meet Josh who is preparing for a big trip to Africa. Right now, all of his trip info is spread across his laptop, desktop and phone. He needs to consolidate it all, and it’s tired to having to email files to himself or moving them around with a USB drive. Then he found Dropbox, which creates a new kind of folder on his computers. These folders work hard to be exactly alike, even across Macs and PCs. By adding his itinerary to his laptop Dropdox, he can be sure the same file will show up in his desktop Dropbox and even on his phone.
The same thing happens when he saves a document in a Dropbox folder. The document gets updated across all of his Dropboxes. But it’s not just his computers, the Dropbox website also works to be exactly like his other Dropboxes. Anything he puts in Dropbox is available on the website automatically.
This way, if his jeep takes a dive and his computer is ruined, he can still get to his files on the Dropbox website where they're always backed up. As it turns out, Josh’s safari was a success. And his laptop made a home with lots of videos and photos to share.
Instead of emailing everything, he just shared the Dropbox photo with his mom. So she can get copies of photos she wants to frame. Because it works so well for travel, Josh made Dropbox the home for all of his stuff. So it’s accessible anytime, wherever he goes.
Whether you’re travelling the world, running a business, or simply organizing your life, Dropbox means you can stop worrying about managing files and backups and get on with your next adventure.