AP 2011-08-17(在线收听

 1. Tim Pawlenty has dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination. The move came a day after finishing a disappointing third in the Iowa straw poll. Pawlenty had struggled to gain traction in Iowa, a state he said he must win.

2. Five people are dead after winds estimated at 60-70 miles an hour caused a stage to collapse at the Indiana State Fair. It happened last night as a crowd was waiting for a performance by the country duo Sugarland.
3. Forecasters say Tropical Storm Gert has formed in the Atlantic and could approach Bermuda as early as Sunday night. Gert had maximum sustained winds of 40 miles an hour. It could get stronger as it makes its way toward Bermuda.
4. And a gay man and a woman, whose sex change operation was paid for by the government, married in Cuba this weekend. It was the first of its kind in a country that once persecuted people who were gay or transgender.