CNN 2011-08-14(在线收听

 It is not hard to identify the recent events that have triggered the latest market falls. There have been weak economic data from the US, including revisions toprevious GDP, and the historic downgrade of that country’s credit rating. And the crisis of confidence in the ability of eurozone countries to pay their debts has spread, as many feared, from the periphery to major economies like Italy and Spain. These events did not come out of the blue and they all have the same root cause—debt. 

People watch the values, you know, the stock values crumble while you know I think of our own sense of values tumbling because this will define who we are, this is a defining moment for us and there’s lots to distract us and there are serious issues, people’s livelihoods. You know, not to dismiss the hardships that are happening in the western world. But this is outrageous, this just can’t be happening, and must be stopped.
I lost my son. Blacks, Asians, whites, we all live in the same community. Why do we have to kill one another? What started these riots? And what's escalating the riots? Why are we doing this? I lost my son. Step forward, if you want to lose your sons. Otherwise, calm down, and go home. Please.
Yeah. Whenever you say 'butter on a stick,' people think of a stick of butter and it running down their face and everything, and it just doesn't sound too good.  
So we started by shoving a stick into a creamy slab.
An 8th of a pound of butter, and we dip it.
Into a batter that's heavy on cinnamon and honey. Once it has a thick coating, it visits the fryer for three oily minutes. Then, once  it resurfaces, it's coated with glaze. But take a bite, and you will find out that fryer melted most of the butter. 
You're not biting into no stick of butter, no. It's all melted, most of it, into the mix. Maybe a little bit of butter might run out yet, but the lion's share of it melts right into the mix.